The fight

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It was a beautiful day in Hedgehog village Sonic and the gang where hanging out at the beach. Sonic was taking a nap, Amy was reading a book, Tails and Sticks where playing volleyball, and Kunckles was trying to impress girls (as seen in fleeing from trouble) everything was peaceful until Eggman started attacking the village as always. Everyone stops what they where doing and runs to the village as fast as they can Sonic of course gets there first.  "Well if it isn't Sonic the hedgehog". Said Eggman with a evil grin "Oh come on Egghead can't you attack the village some other time"? Said Sonic annoyed. Sceonds later the others arrive just in time for some robot smashing. "ROBOTS ATTACK"!!!!! Without hesitation everyone is on the move Kunckles is  punching robots, Tails is hitting them with his wrench waile flying, Amy is smashing robots with her hammer, Sonic is doing spin dashes, and Sticks was using her boomerang and her fighting skills to destroy any robots that go anywhere near her. Minutes later all the Robots are destroyed and is fleeing in anger as always another victory for the team. 

(Later that day) 

Everyone was doing there own thing except Sonic and Amy who where walking in the jungle talking. "You know Ames sometimes I almost feel bad for Egghead". Said Sonic jokingly. "Why do you say that"? Asked Amy "Face it he never wins". Answered Sonic "it's almost sad sometimes". "Yeah I guess your right". Said Amy there is a few minutes of slince until finally Amy asked Sonic a question. "Sonic have you ever been scare or just faced anyone who was actually a threat"? Asked Amy "Hmm let me think *Thinks about Sonic boom rice of lyric.* Nope". "What about". "Nope I don't know what to hear it that never happened."(Yes I hate that game) Amy starts laughing in her head not trying to be mean after that she finally speaks again. "Alright that wasn't what I was going to ask you". Said Amy  "Then what is it"? Asked Sonic "would you ever consider dating like in the near future"? Asked Amy. Sonic doesn't say anything in fact he trys to change the subject. "Chili dogs how about we get some chili dogs". Said Sonic "You didn't awsner my question". Said Amy "Well you don't go around asking people that type of question it's awkward". Said Sonic annoyed and angry  "Well i'm sorry for asking". Amy says with a angry tone. "Why are you angry i'm not the one going around asking people about if there going to date or not". Sonic said in a even more angry "You know what i'm going home come talk to me when you're done trying to Snoop in my privacy". With that said Sonic goes home and so does Amy but little do they know a real threat is about to come.

I hoped you enjoy it took so long to get it how I wanted more coming soon and same with my other stories.

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