Painful memories

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It's been over a week since Sonic ran away from the village after seeing the bottle he hasn't come out his house since and his friends are worried about him so as his best friend Tails volunteered to go talk to him. Tails walks to Sonic's house but when he gets there Sonic is gone.

"Oh no not you too Sonic." Tails said to himself

Tails walks into Sonic's house looking for any sign of where he may be as he was looking he's see's a note on Sonic's hammock that reads.

Went out for a run be back in a little bit signed, Sonic

Tails was relief to know that Sonic was okay he desisted to go back to his house and come back later. Tails take one last look at his house with a worried look.

"I hope you're okay Sonic where all worried about you." Tails thought to himself

(With Sonic)

Sonic was running through the jungle trying to forget about the bottle but the memories of his childhood kept haunting his mind.

"Its all in the past now." Sonic said to himself "It was a long time ago."

Sonic was snapped back into reality after he accidentally ran into Sticks They where both silent   until Sonic finally spoke.

"umm Sticks nice running into you." Sonic said trying to act clam

"Sonic umm Tails was looking for you he wanted to talk." Sticks explained

Sonic knew what Tails wanted to talk about and he didn't want to hear it. he gave Sticks a annoyed look and spoke.

"Look Sticks whatever Tails wants to say tell him to forget it cause there's nothing to talk about." said Sonic "I know you guys care about me but there are somethings that I just can't talk about."

"what to you mean by that?" Sticks asks in a sli annoyed tone

"i don't mean it that way i just......I just don't know what I would do if he got to you guys." Sonic explain 

"wait he?" Sicks asked confuse 

"It's a long story your better off not knowing about." sonic said

"Sonic I'm not good at talking about feelings but i'm going to try I know I can be crazy at time but i do care about you and the others and i don't know why i'm better off not knowing but as a friend at lest tell me why the heck dose a glass bottle have you all scared and stuff?" sticks asks

Sonic doesn't know what to say he looks at sticks and can tell she really wants to know so he take a deep breath and speaks.

"Look I wont go into detail but long story short before me and the gang meet you I was friends with this guy named Shay me and him where close but one day he betrayed us we where able to stop his plan but he got away and after that day we never saw or herd of him again but now I think he's back and is remaking his plan." Sonic explains to Sticks

Sonic can tell Sticks is still a little confuse and tells her this.

"Look i didn't want to tell you because I was scared of Shay I was scared that if he ever came back witch is what may be happening he would use you or the others agents me."

Sticks could tell Sonic meant what he said but didn't know what to say but finally she found her words.

"I get it I think but I still don't know why you didn't tell me because at first i felt like you didn't trust me." 

Sonic gave a small frown but Sticks continue.

"But after hearing what you told me I understand why you didn't want to tell me."

After this Sonic and Stick moved closer to each other and did a small hug.

"Thanks Sticks." Sonic said happily

"No problem." Sticks answered

"You know I've never seen this side of you i kind of like it." Sonic said

"Thanks now if you need me I need to make sure aliens can't  destroy my burrow ill see you later Sonic."

"And she's back." Sonic said to himself

Sonic watches as Sticks walks in the opposite side and smiles .

"You know I don't think i need to worry." Sonic thinks to himself

With that said Sonic then runs to his own home but little did he know someone  watched the whole conversation he had with Sticks.

"He seams to be close friends with that badger." The stranger saids to himself

"This could be used to my Advance."

AN:Hope u enjoyed and know u know who SH is next chapter coming soon

later peps,Izzy

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