The final showdown part 2

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Shay threw Sonic to the ground and pins him to a stone wall holding him by his handkerchief.

"So long old friend and don't worry I'll take care of Amy and the rest of your no good friends".

Before Shay could finish him off Shay gets hit in the back in the head with a boomerang and not just any boomerang Sticks's boomerang Shay turns around to try and face Sticks but before he can he gets hit by Amy's hammer and goes flying. Amy walks over to help Sonic and Sticks tries to hold Shay off for a little while 

"Sonic are you okay"?

"Yeah I'm fine where's Sticks"?

"Fighting Shay".

"We need to help her".

Sonic gets up and finds his whole left side is hit with a sudden pain he looks down and sees a large cut on his side he tries to hide it so Amy can't see. Meanwhile Sticks his able to hold her own against Shay.

"You little trader how can you side with a couple of fools"? Shay said with pure anger

"Those so called fools are my friends".

"Friends?, Ha I don't believe in such a thing there only a way to stop you from true power".

"So thats all you care about power what happened to the friendship you had with Sonic"?

"That died a long time ago along with Sonic's sister"?

"Wait sister"?

"Ha of coarse you don't know but yes now enough talk I'm going to love teaching you a lesson on what happens when you betray me".

"Bring it".

Shay runs over to Sticks  and tries to do a spin dash but Sticks doges the attack he thens gets into a hand to hand fight with her and punches and kicks where thrown at each other. Sticks punches Shay in the chest and he falls to the ground.

"I must say your stronger than you look but that wont stop me from kicking your".

Before Shay could finish what he was about to say Sonic ran over picked him up and slammed him into a near by wall.

"Give up Shay it's three angst one". Sonic saids ready to attack

"I'll never give up I won't stop until I get my ghost drive".

Shay gets up and spin dashes Sonic near the edge he picks him up and holds him over the edge.

"Give me my ghost drive or I'll drip him".

A look of evil can be seen on Shay's face and not just any look of evil a look of murder.

"Amy don't give it to him".

"Give it up Amy you know I won't hesitate to drop him and besides do you want his death on you consensus for the rest of your life"?


'Don't fall for his trick Amy he's trying to get under you skin". Sticks shouts from a distance

"The chose is your's Amy give me the ghost drive or let Sonic die remember his life is in your hands".

Amy didn't know what to do on one hand she didn't want to give Shay the ghost drive but on the other she didn't want to lose Sonic she was faced with the toughest chose of her life and had to make a life or death decision.

"I'm waiting we don't have all day".

Amy toke a deep breath and took out the ghost drive from her back pocket.

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