The rescue plan and forgiving

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Sonic and Amy wake up the next morning ready to continue there way to Dragon's peke but before they pack there things they both talk about how they are going to save Sticks but not knowing that she may no longer be there friend.

"So what's the plan to save Sticks"? Amy asks

"well I remember that there are two paths to getting to the top the the peke from the last time we were there so we could split up and tried to trick Shay but it won't be easy". Sonic explains

"Yeah but what about the ghost drive"? Amy asks while pointing at the bag the ghost drive is in

"I don't know". answers Sonic

Just then a realization came into Sonic's mind he can't just give the ghost drive to Shay and it's  definitely not safe with him holding it he needed to give it to someone else. He walks over to where the bag the ghost drive is in picks it up eminently bad memories flooded Sonic's mind so he quickly handed it to Amy.

"Why are you giving me this"? Amy asks looking confuse

"because it's not safe for me to have it you're better off keeping it". Sonic answers

"Besides it gives me a bad feeling you know".


 But before Amy could speak Sonic change the subject something Amy is used to.

"Our stuff lets pack our things and get moving". Sonic saids trying to sound happy

"Oh um okay".ut

Amy didn't bother trying to talk about why Sonic whats nothing to do with the ghost drive because she knew Sonic wasn't ready to talk about it so she just went over to her things and started packing.

(3 hours later)

At this point Sonic and Amy are about a day and a haft away from dragon's peke so they both knew they would get there by early noon tomorrow but Amy still wanted to talk to Sonic about the fight the had all those weeks ago so she looked at him and started to speak.

"Sonic I wanted to apologize for what happened back in the jungle before all this happen I know nows not the best time but I wanted to get it off my chest". Amy explains

"It's okay Amy I forgive you and i'm sorry for overreacting". Sonic saids in a clam forgiving tone

"And besides the reason why I did is because well...........". Sonic starts to get nervous

"It's okay Sonic you can tell me".

"Amy the reason why I acted the way I did when you asked me about dating is because I like you and I like more than a friend and but the reason why I never told you is because i'm scare i'm going to lose you like how I lost Skylar and if we where together the pain would be ten times worst". Sonic explains

"I know it's dumb but after I lost Skylar I've never really been the same but maybe when all of this is over we could go on a date and see what happens".

"You know I would really like that". Amy said moved by what Sonic just said moments ago

Both Amy and Sonic don't say anything after words but they smile at each other just happy to be around one another and continue to make there way to dragon's peke.

A/N: Hoped u guys enjoyed this chapter and yes sadly we are starting to get closer to the end of Sonamy i'm not sure how many chapters there will be left but I do know that Sonic and Shay will faced each other before the story ends and as for Sticks your just going to wait and see what happens more coming soon so later peps

Izzy :p

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