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            “Sutton, come on. You know you’ll enjoy it!” My best friend, Kyle, whined.

            It was our junior year and we were sixteen. It was during the summer and all we wanted to do was party. Kyle and I were inseparable. If you knew one of us, you knew the other. And besides that, we were twins. Not literally, we aren’t even related, but we seemed like it with our personalities. We both were athletic, outgoing, studious, loud and fun. There was never a dull moment in our lives. Now the only differences between us were our looks. Kyle had the surfer look; dirty blond hair, blue eyes, muscular, and no matter the season he was always tan. Then there is me; black hair, grey eyes, freckles and very pale. The most noticeable thing was our height. While he was 6 foot 2 inches, I was 5 foot 1 inch. But none of that mattered. We were best friends.

            I sighed giving in. “Fine, but only because you are going to need a designated driver.” He chuckled as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. See Kyle loved to drink with his friends but I was too loud and outgoing that I didn’t feel the need to drink alcohol. So as always I was stuck as the designated driver.

            Kyle pulled into the driveway and as we stepped out of the car you could feel the pounding of the music. He grabbed my hand pulling me to the party. Once inside we spotted his teammates across the room. Making our way over, we said hello to everyone we knew.

            “Sutton, Kyle!” Greg exclaimed as we finally got to them.  Glancing down at our hands a smile appeared on his face. “So you two finally hooked up I see!”

            I laughed. “No Greg. But I think you are obsessed with the idea of us being together.” Truthfully Kyle and I never dated. Ever. Although I’ll admit, the thought has occurred to me way too many times. But Kyle was a player and I knew he wasn’t the type of guy to have a serious relationship, especially since we were still in high school.

                “Greg, do you fantasize us being together?” Kyle faked gasped and we started to laugh as Greg’s eyes widened and he started to blush.

            Pushing his shoulder I said, “Relax, we are just messing.” This caused him to laugh it off. Maybe he was obsessed…?

                The night went on as planned. Kyle got some teammates and I danced with anyone and everyone. Some people were already starting to pass out while other were just starting to get drunk. I laughed as some of my peers went down to the floor with a slam.

            Sometime later Kyle came out and found me. I was a little surprised that he was already ready to go. Usually I have to drag him to the car just to leave. But instead of going out the front door he led me out the back. He continued to pull me into the woods where were could still see the lights of the house but it was still dark and cold making me to not want to stay long.

            “Kyle.” I whined but he shushed me, placing a finger on my mouth.

            “Sutton, I love you.” He said quietly.

            I chuckled. This wasn’t the first time he confessed his love for me while he was drunk. I knew he never meant it but still it gave me butterflies.

            “Okay, you had too much to drink. Again. Time to go home.” I started pulling him back to the house but he didn’t budge.

            Looking up at him I saw his disheveled hair and his bright blue eyes. “Sutton, I’m not joking. I love you. I have since 7th grade. You are my best friend and the person I want to be with.” His hand came and cupped my face. As he leaned down closer and whispered, “Believe me.”

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