Chapter Two

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Once everyone stopped staring at Nathaniel and I, I felt a little better. I watched as the crowd disappeared, leaving for their classes, reminding me that I too had to go to class. I grabbed my books from my locker. After I shut it I turned and faced Nate who was giving me a confused look.

"Um.." Nate rubbed the back of his neck, refusing to look up at me. "I don't exactly know where I am going... Being new and all. Would you mind pointing out the direction to Mrs. McDonnell's room for Sociology?"

I realized I had the same class with me and I could just have him tag along. I gave Nathaniel a small nod. Turning around, I started walking to class, hoping he would get the hint to follow. Nate finally caught up to me and gave me a smile. The silence between us was awkward so I was glad when I saw the classroom door was straight ahead. I knew we were already late for class, but I was sure Mrs. McDonnell wouldn't mind, especially since I was her top student and I brought along Nate, the new kid.

I opened the door only to interrupt the teacher's lecture. I gave her a apologetic look which she acknowledged with a knowing nod. I headed to my seat that was placed in the back corner next to a window. I don't know how I keep my A's in this class, while the whole class period all I do is stare out the window in a daze.

"Class, we have a new student." Mrs. McDonnell spoke, then turned towards Nate. "Would you like to introduce yourself to the class and share a little about yourself?"

Nate looked down while he rubbed the back of his neck. I started to realize that that was his little quirk he did when he got nervous. He dropped his arm and stood up straight, looking at the class.

With his new found confidence he spoke, "My name is Nathaniel Grey. I just moved here from Ohio. I like to play soccer, basketball, football, track and swim. And I can't wait to get to know everybody here." 

The class gave a small applause with a few "Welcome to Washington's". A few guys on the different sports teams introduced themselves and told him to join some of the teams. I could already tell that Nate was going to get popular fast. I felt my heart sink when I realized that he would then soon leave me and Greg. I shook that thought out of my head. It would probably be better if he left our group anyways. It would be better that way.

"Okay Mr. Grey, you can take a seat anywhere you would like." Mrs. McDonnell directed, leaving Nathaniel to choose his seat. There were a few open seats in the class. One by the popular girls that were all giving him hungry looks. There was on by the jocks, who were all telling him to join them. Then there was one by me, away from everyone. I sighed knowing he wouldn't choose the seat next to me. I turned away from the class and looked out the window. 

I heard a scrape of a chair sliding on the floor. I gave a little jump, turning towards the noise, I saw that Nate was sitting next to me. I stared at him dumbfounded as he placed a notebook on the desk along with a pen and a pencil. He turned towards me with a confused look on his face.

"What? Why are you giving me that look?"

I just gave a little shake of my head. Feeling a corner of my lip lifting up I quickly looked back out the window, only to hear Nathaniel chuckle.

For the rest of the hour I would sneak glances at Nate, only to see him quickly jotting down whatever he thought was important down on his notes. Whenever he would think about what the teacher was saying, his tongue would stick out a little, showing how concentrated he was. 

The bell rung, causing all the students to pack up their belongings and leave. I grabbed my stuff as well and waited to Nate to finish packing his. Once he was done we left the class room and heading towards our lockers. Once I got to mine I noticed that Nate didn't leave to go to his locker, I glanced at him to give him a questioning look only to see that he was opening the locker right next to mine. Once he had it opened he grabbed a different notebook, then shutting his locker he turned to wait for me. Well I guess him having a locker next to mine would be easier for me to show him to his next class. I grabbed my next book and notebook then turned towards Nate. 

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