Chapter 1 // "Yeah because I would be eyeing a boy, that your thing."

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""Good morning students of Greenview Academy this is your Assistant Principle Mrs. Andrews talking to you on this amazing morning. Welcome all knew students that will be joining us in this school year us staff at Green view are happy to have you here with us. Now on to the rest of the morning announcements that will be given by our Principle Mr. Karnes." I hear above me. This is how far I got into listening to the announcements before I block themhen I just blocked them out. Oh, hi my name is Ashley Morgan and this is my story, well sort off. I am somewhat new here at Greenview but this wasn't my choice,. my parents wanted me here.I had had to come here by my parents I had the perfect life I was one of top people in the gym, everyone looked up to me, I was what you could say popular. I went to all the crazy parties. I still did good in school, I just wasn't the perfect daughter to a top business man dad and fashion designer mom. So, now I'm here at Greenview Academy for the troubled. I'vehave been here for a week,  now and I already see the groups created. The nerds, gamers, jocks/cheerleaders, popular, wannabes, and last the loners. I don't know where I stand,didn't know where I stood but I'm tryingied to make everything as normal as possible. Sso, I tried out for cheerleading, and made the team no doubt, but I'm not wasn't captain or anything like that. I'm also consideringd the journalism classes to work on my writing. Now before you ask why is it called school for troubled, I'm here. Here at because Greenview hasGreenview there are strict rules you must follow; like you must be on time to all classes, you must always be in your uniform always of being in classes or in the halls, pretty much or anywhere besides your dorms, and you can only dorm with people of the same sex. There are no illegal drugs or any drugs allowed on campus besides those  the ones that are prescribed to you by a doctor, and they have to be ve been checked by the school nurse. You are here to learn not to fool aroundoff. If aAny part of these rules are broken, itbroke will result in an appropriate punishment by the principle. MAlso, many parents who are concerned about their children will most likely have them sent here for them to learn what is right. That'sis is really all that there is to know about Greenview Academy.

I put my pen down and close the journal I was writing in. I may be new and from a rich family, but I haved always loved writing. But The reason I'mI was here is becausethat my parents don't think writing is a job unless it's paperwork, so I tried to be more like the teenager they imagined... Nbut yeah now I'm here to learn business and how to create a job for industries. So, then I can work for my mom A Fashion Designer for many top brands or my dad a Business CEO/owner of Morgan Industries. Yeah,p with parents like this you would think I cwould get away with a lot of things, but nope they care too much about the family image, so and boarding school was the best choice.


Yes!, Ffinally, I can meet up with Dave. Sso far, he's the only real person in this school. I honestly think I don't belong here, but I start cheer today, so let's us see what this brings me.  As Dave and Ime and Dave head to math, our second class., Wwhy is it so early in the morning? I have some real stuff I need to get done.

"Ashley what's wrong, you're thinking pretty hard there.?" Dan says, asks taking me out of my thoughts bubble.

"Oh, nothing, just thinking to myself. Don't worry." I reassure him.

"Oh, really? Ybecause you seem to have something on your mind. Iis it that cue boy over there?"

"Yeah because I would be eyeing a boy,, because I would be eyeing a boy. Tthat's your thing." "Hey! Ttell the whole world while you're at, it yelling it in the halls and what not. Not my fault that he fits all the criteria for me."

"Whatever. Yyou know, I needgot to head to the restroom. I'll meet you in class, save me a spot ok?, Llove you, now go!." I say as I run to the nearest restroom to touch up my make-up. As I walk in I hear some girls talking about Sean Wilson.

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