The piano room

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So update on my life. I'm somebody's master.. 😂❤️ also I'm really happy people are liking the book! Alright back to the story!
Mark P.O.V

It's Saturday so no school. Yeah I'm back in football but I still have on my boot. I know what your wondering. That day on the news I was in my room blacked out. Was I dead? No. They said I stabbed my wrist but I cut them. Speaking of cutting. I woke up at 8:00am and saw everybody was sleep. I was spooning jack. I checked my phone to see if my eyes were ok. I checked in Snapchat and saw my eyes were completely black. I blinked and nothing happened. I have to cut now. I got up and went to the bathroom. One long cut will do. I locked the door and got my razor. ( triggered warning ⚠️)
I got the razor and cut a long line down my arm. Blood started to come out and my eyes went back normal. Back to my sanity. I wrapped it up and cleaned up the blood. I washed my hands and went back to the living room where everybody was still laying down. I saw Felix tossing and turning. I moved Felix close to cry. Then cry out his arm around Felix waist and Felix stopped. I'm not even jealous. (Or should I say JELIX! Nope I hate it) I looked at jack and saw he was sleeping I kissed his forehead and he smiled.

I went to the kitchen and started cooking pancakes French toast and bacon for everybody. Around 30 minutes later I finally finished and went to take out the trash. ( I'm sorry I put myself inside the story..) I got back and made everybody's plates. I put it on the table. Now I have to wake them up. I woke up Matt and Ryan first. I splashed water on them and they jumped. Then I woke up Felix and cry. I put whip cream on my hands and smacked them. They woke up fast. Then I woke up jack. I made this one really good. I walked up to him and kissed his lips. He woke up while I was kissing him and he kissed back. I pulled and walked off. After nobody could see me and started blushing. I went back to the living to everyone on there phones. "Hey I made breakfast it's on the dinning table." I said and everybody went and sat at the tables. I passed everybody there plates. "Mark I should be doing this! Your foot isn't good." Cry said and I smiled. I said "you need a day off! Also I wanted to do something nice." Everybody said thanks and I sat down. We started talking about life and just having fun.

Jack P.O.V

After we ate breakfast I asked mark if we could all go to the fair! He agreed and everybody got excited. "Hey I wanna get in the shower" mark's said. Then he went into the bathroom. I started talking to cry about mark

Jack:hey I want to know what's been going on with mark
Cry: I don't know anything about it but he writes stuff in his diary if that helps
Jack: uh where is it.
Cry : I have no idea but I heard it's somewhere in his piano room.
Jack: thanks!

I walk to the piano room and it looked amazing! It had posters of famous pianists and a large piano! I couldn't find it. I walked out to see mark. Is face to face. I did a stupid thing and kissed him. It turned passionate. (Don't worry not smut...sorry)

Mark P.O.V (again😂)

Jack kissed me and I kissed back. The next thing you know it got heated. He licked my bottom lip asking permission to enter.i accepted. I walked forward and back jack into the wall. He put up his legs and wrapped them around me. We slowly French kiss. Then I heard the door open. I turn around to see Cry blushing. "Uh sir mark we are ready to go" he said and I nodded. I put jack down and we walk out to see Cry fanboying. We start laughing. I get my phone and my wallet and walk to the limousine. I can't wait until the fair! This is going to be awesome!

Heyyyyyyyy! Not serious happened in this chapter but the next one is going to have.. DRAMMMMMAAAAAASA!!

I can't wait to see what happens next.. jk I know how the story ends. It's a good and bad ending sooooo! Yeeeeeee! Also 500 reads! Whatttttt!! Thanks Alright bye!

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