Ill take him out

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Mark POV

I get to school with jack on my back. He fell asleep and I didn't really mind. Everybody was looking at me. I ignored it. Some girls got pissed and some girls didn't see him at all. It was weird because this girl Amy walked up to me and asked if I wanted to go out with her. Now don't get me wrong she pretty but I just don't see me with her. She walks away and I see her walk up to Signe. I get to advisory ( that what they call home room in my school) and see jack on a bing bag. I try to walk away but I hold my wrist. "Stayyyy" he says in a really sleepy tone. I roll my eyes and I sit down next to him. He crawls up on my lap and lays his head on my chest. My face turned bright red when I look down. I smile when I see jack sleep again.

~time skip brought to you by Edgar~

The bell rang which mean school is finally out for today. All the teachers questioned why I wasn't at school. I told then the truth. " I stayed at home cuddling with my boyfriend" they all had a weird look on there face. Some had disgust look on there faces and some hugged me tightly and said they would support. It's all fine. I walk out the school to see Felix waiting for me. I hug him tightly. Last night Felix called and he said that his dad beat him up badly. I couldn't do anything. He started crying and I patted his back.

"Mark I'm scared I really am." He said while wiping his tears. Everybody started to make a circle around us. I saw jack and then turned back to Felix. "Here take 200$ and get a hotel I'll be there soon". Felix hugged me again and I walked to the limousine. Jack came and I went on home.

Dark's pov

"My sweet anti. We need to take them out!" I say and I sit down with icecream. I saw dark Ethan (idk his dark side name) as he handed me another bowl of icecream for anti. "Listen daddy dark! Why can't we take full form and be in our own body". He says with a smirk. "I uh I don't know how." I say in embarrassment. "I know how though" I hear a familiar voice say. "GOOGLE!"

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