Prom night...

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Mark pov

It was 6:50 in the morning and I'm already dressed and ready to go. I'm so excited to go to prom. It's the first 'dance' I've actually been to surprisingly.

The time hit 7:00 and I ran out the door. I just couldn't wait to go to prom. It doesn't even start until 8:00pm but I just wanted to get the school day over with.


I get to my first hour class and sat next to jack like I would usual do. He gave me a big smile. I smiled back. He then jump and grabbed my arm. "What is this?" He asked. I look down...oh I forgot my jacket...hehe.

"It's my...arm" I said sarcastically trying not to tell him what happened last night.


> I finally got from a really bad day at the mall. School was fine but after was complete shit. I tried to buy my tux at the mall but they were all out from that store. So I went to another store but it cost 6,000 dollars which I could pay but I really didn't like it.

It was the only one left to I got it. Then I had to get my shoes which came out fine but when I tried to get my tie I wanted they gave it away already. I wanted to fucking die right there.

Then I had to go to another store to try and find it which it did have it but it was dirty so I had to have Ryan clean it later. I finally got to go pick a gift for jack which was a neckless and a ring that said "to the moon and back is how much I love you" and on the ring it said "mi" but the cool part about it was that my ring said "ne" So when we hold hands it would say "mine" and it would be adorable.

Sadly they messed up the neckless and I had to get it redone. It took forever. I then got a gold carpet for when jack and I get out the limousine. I went to pick it up and it was pink! Who wants to step on a pink carpet! So they had to redo it and it also took forever.

I finally got home and felt like shit. I mean high school is shit(if you know this reference let me know :3) ! The mall is shit. My life is shit! So I went inside the bathroom and cut really deep lines through my arm. I washed them up and headed to bed and dreamed about the prom going good. My life going good...for once.

Flashback over>

"No stupid! I mean why are you arms cut up!" He asked ." I had a shitty day..just get over it I'm fine." That word.. 'I'm fine' that's my favorite word. That word means so different then what you think it is. The scale goes Great, good, ok, horrible, then fine. Fine doesn't mean fine. Fine mean I have depression and I'm going to kill myself. I just say im fine so it would be easier for people.

"Your not fine mark! I know your not" he says. That made me smile. "Thanks jack but I'm ok I promise" I really was ok. It was just a bad day. That's all.

~time skip~

It's finally 7:49 and I was getting ready to pick up jack. He must of been excited because the second I walk out the door, my phone rang.

Jack: marrkkk!! Where are you!! I'm worried

Mark: jack I'm in the car I'll be there shortly.

Jack: ok fineeee I got a surprise!

Mark: trust me I do 2

He hung up and I told the limousine driving to roll out.

We finally get to jacks house and I sprint and knock on the door. "Ah! Your here!" Jack screamed and hugged me.

"Was I not...suppose to come?" I asked jokingly. He slapped my arm. "No you dork! Let go!"

I put my arm out and he links his with mine. He start walking towards the limo. He smiles and looks back. His face dropped.

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