A Dog Day

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Quick note this is in Joey's POV as I wanted to spice it up a bit.

I slowly opened my eyes as I heard the clanking of plates in the kitchen. Unfortunately for me my room was near the kitchen so when people got up to make food or get a drink I would always wake up. I sat up stretching my arms out and checking the clock next to my bed. 7:09am. I let out a heavy sigh knowing what today meant for me. Yesterday was a weird to say the least. Kaiba had invited me for an interview today for his product development department. Well this was certainly going to be interesting as to be honest not sure why I accepted. Maybe it's because I need the money to stop free loading off my friends.

I left my old man after the alcohol problem became worse. I didn't want debt collectors on my back and paying for his mistakes the rest of my life. Knowing my mum couldn't (well would refuse) to take me in I turned to Yugi.

He happily took me in after explaining the situation to Gramps and now I was going with Emi for an interview with Kaiba. Yugi helped me pick some clothes last night to make me look smart. But I'm up later then expected as the interview is at 8:30. Ideally I should be showered and dressed, ah I used to be late for school all the time. Although this is different. Hmmm.

I decided to hope into the shower then grab breakfast. I love breakfast here, it always fills you up ready for the day, and it was super tasty.

Once I'd finished my shower and got dressed and walked into the kitchen and sat at the table next to Yugi. "Looking forward to the interview," he asked taking another bit of his breakfast.

"He's probably doing this to find a way to embarrass me in some way," I sighed. I was in disbelief about the whole situation.

"Right finish your breakfast so we can get going." Emi smiled holding up my new jacket to me. This was going to be a long day.

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