Chapter 2

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I sit there stunned as the man called Zeus turns his head and sees the man called Hades stepping between us gently removing Zeus's hand from mine, his baritone voice ringing through the large room, "I haven't even had a chance to speak to Iona yet! And you come barging in here" the other man straightens himself put "Wow they are both so very tall. I mean I am 6' tall but they make me look short" The two men square up to each other and I notice that Hades is slightly taller and broader. Zeus snarls "You have completed the job I asked you to do and now I have my wife back, get out of the way and let me take her home Hades. I have missed her these last half a century. My beautiful wife has returned to me" Hades raise his voice and it sounds like a whip cracking through the room "GET.... OUT..... ZEUS" Zeus realising he had been beaten turns to head for the door shooting me a look as he slips through it he says "I will be back for you my beauty make no mistake about that" and with that he slams the heavy marble door and it seems to rattle the walls. Hades turns on his heel and looks down at me his expression going from stern to concern he swallows hard, he looks almost nervous, he takes one step towards me and I lower my grey eyes. He lifts my chin upwards towards his beautiful face , "Iona, look at me please?" I hear him ask, almost plead with me as I go to lift my eyes to his hypnotic, heavy gaze he gasps and takes a step backwards startled on for a second before composing himself and clearing his throat to speak "You may wonder why I bought you here? I am sure you have a lot of questions and whilst I will try to answer them all for you just listen and hear me out" I nod I mean so far he I mean Hades hasn't actually done anything to me so I decide to hear him out before I decide if he is a raving lunatic hell bent on hurting me.
He grabs a chair from the other side of the room it is very ornate with very specific markings and the cushions are purple (my favourite colour) the arms look gold although they are probably fake. He sits as he does he looks like he is struggling on where to start, he swallows hard his throats bobbing by this action " Ok. We are Greek gods and goddesses from Olympus. We have ruled over the earth keeping the balance between humans and monsters and nature, humans must never know of our existence we have a few we trust with certain aspects but we walk amongst humans just like you helping out where we can. 50 years ago we.... lost one of our own goddess, Aphrodite the goddess of love, she married my brother Zeus and when she found out he didn't love her truly, wholly and unconditionally it went against everything she stood for as a goddess, now a god/goddess can never truly die the sole just hangs around for a year or so on Olympus BUT soon they have to take on another vessel or body if you like and we recognise them by the soul that that body has in their eyes only we as divine beings can see them. Aphrodites soul went missing a year or so after she died, unfortunately it was under my charge and we searched and searched for her, until we eventually found her, in you! However we are not the only ones who want Aphrodite's soul there are some bad, beings, out there who want her soul for themselves and are willing to do anything they can to get it. If they get her soul, which being the goddess of every different type of love in the world, they would be even more powerful and unstoppable than myself, my brothers Zeus and Poseidon and all the 12 top level gods put together." He pauses to take a breath his hands running through his spikes black hair, violet eyes seeming to sparkle "This is why we brought you here to keep you safe, out of harms way if you like, and to possibly unlock your divine power that lies dormant within you."

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