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they say "home is where you feel the safest in"; my home is in your arms.

taehyung pov

i feel some weight on my left shoulder and i look over those that it was jimin's head leaning on it.

chuckling a little to myself, i brought the blanket that was shared between us higher up so that it would cover jimin's shoulders.

shortly after, i leaned my head on his and drifted back to sleep.


"-take a picture of this, it's so cute."

"i know, hold on."

"kay, take it before they wake up."

"i love love."

"i wish they would just get together already."

hearing their conversation, i opened my eyes, not wanting to move from my current position.

"oh, you're up. good morning."

"good morning to you too."

"oh my gosh you guys are so cute i can't even!! i want to adopt you guys as my babies." hoseok hyung started jumping up and down before i shushed him.

"don't wake him, guys."

"babe, we can't adopt them. it's supposed to be just us in our house so it makes it even more spectacular at night." yoongi hyung said, putting an arm around hoseok's waist.

hoseok hyung gave him his signature grossed out face before saying, "oh my gosh you're so perverted, get away from me." he took his arm off his waist before walking away.

"babe. babe! come back! i'm sorry, okay? you know i can't control myself when it comes to you."

"shut up. no sex tonight or this whole trip."

"w-wha-y-yah! hoseok you can't do this to me!"

"oh believe me, i can."

these guys are so funny.



hey guys

wow an update after a month or so

sorry about that

i took a break to focus on summatives and exams but now i'm done yay

sadly i have to take summer school this july and it's pretty much the whole month

i'll try to update as much as I can but i can't promise you i won't

anyways thank you guys so much for 4.72K reads on this story like what???

omg i'm not even that great but thank you guys so much

you're all superstars

no sarcasm there


it was also my country's birthday on saturday (july 1st if you didn't know what day it was)

but i didn't make a post about it

much patriotic lol


yeah so happy belated 150th birthday canada, our home and native land

couldn't see the rubber ducky irl but I saw in other ppl's stories

i had a question about that on my civics exam but i didn't think it was real lol

some guy decided to invest in a giant inflatable rubber ducky in downtown toronto but i didn't see it :(

oh well lol

here's what the ducky looks like

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here's what the ducky looks like

what a country i live in right

in honour to commemorate this dynamic that passed

i will write the lyrics to my country's anthem

as well as I can remember


"oh canada

our home and native land

true patriot love in all thy sons command

with glowing hearts we see thee rise

the true north strong and free

from far and wide

oh canada, we stand on guard for thee

god keep our land glorious and free

oh canada, we stand on guard for thee

oh canada, we stand on guard for thee"


here's a french version i remember having to learn

"o canada

terre de nos aïeux

ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux

car ton bras sait porter l'épée

il sait porter la croix

ton histoire est une épopée

des plus brillants exploits

et ta valeur, de foi trempée

protégera nos foyers et nos droits

protégera nos foyers et nos droits"

i took this from the internet lol

search up our anthem if you're interested in hearing how it sounds cuz i sure ain't gonna be singing it for you

okay this is long so byee


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