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"even if you're broken, i'll keep your pieces safe."-unknown

author pov


"yup?" the taller boy lying next to the shorter replied.

"i think,...i think i'll be able to get over jungkook."

sitting up, the taller rested his head against his palm, looking down at the most ethereal person in his life. "how so?"

"because i've found someone new."

a bit hopeful, taehyung wished that it would be him.

"y-you did?"


"w-who is it?"

"close your eyes."

"right now?"

"right now. and no peaking."

taehyung giggled at the childish tone of his voice.

suddenly, he felt a pair of lips-the pair that he's been curious of feeling against his own-on his lips.

it was short and sweet, just like jimin, but a great first kiss for him.

slowly opening his eyes up, he saw jimin with a small smile on his lips.


the one i like is you."



it's the return of my out of the blue updates


i got a job

from my friend's production company so i'll be helping him out with shows and stuff

okay byee


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