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Avi's POV

We hear Kevin screaming down the hall, and I pull away from Kirstie so I can breathe, resting my forehead on hers.

"So," I say suddenly.


"That was nice."

"It was."

"OHMYGODKAVIISREEAALL," Mitch screams from the open door Kevin never closed.

Kirstie pulls away from me as quickly as possible, her face going very red.

"Mitch.." she begins.

"Wait, what?" Scott asks.

"We'rekindasortadatingnow," Kirst mumbles. I go over to her, and put an arm around her to try and... unembarrass her?

"Tell us what exactly happened," Esther smiles.

"Well, I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes and we kissed.."

"We need giant She Said Yes posters!" Mitch exclaimed.

Everyone looks at him.

"What?" He asks.

"This isn't really that big of a deal.." I begin.

"It is," the four say suddenly. Kirstie and I look at each other and laugh nervously.

"Wait, where do I sleep?" Kevin asks.

"Your bed?" Kirstie answers.


"He thinks y'all are gonna be making babies. That's not true, because Avi's responsible, he'll use protection."

"MITCH!" Kirstie and I yell. Now, we're both extremely red. The other four are laughing way too hard.

"We never should've kissed in front of Kevin," I mutter to Kirstie.


Once the other four finally settle down, we tell Kevin he's welcome to sleep here. Mainly, so Mitch doesn't think we did anything.

"Okay, now that we've got that all figured out, let me say the schedule," Esther says. Mama bear Esther, always taking care of us. If we didn't have Esther, we probably would've split on the first tour.

"Okay," we all agree.

"So at 3 A.M tomorrow morning, we go to the tour bus. From there, we head to Washington. We'll be sleeping in the tourbus when we're in Washington, because we won't have time for hotels. After Washington is Oregon, and by that time it'll be a week and a half from now. In Oregon, we've got three shows close enough for a hotel for two nights. I'll update you in the hotel in Oregon," she finished. We all stare at her. My sister is literally magical.

"3 A.M?" Mitch managed out.

"I'll make coffee for y'all," Kevin answers.

"Like, every single person, or do I have to get rallied to make some for the last four?" Kirstie asks.

"Every single person. We'll all be awake at 3 anyways."

"Thank you, Kervy."

"You're welcome, Krusty."

"Y'all should get to sleep," Esther chips in.

"What time is it?"

"10. If you sleep now, you can get 5 hours of sleep."


Everyone heads to their separate rooms, and Kevin lies down in his bed.
Kirstie and I start out with our backs facing each other, and then I turn to face her. After a bit, she turns to face me.

"Kit?" I whisper.


"I can't sleep."

"Neither can I."

"What do we do?"

"I have an idea."

I have no idea what she's about to do, until she's burrowing into my chest. I wrap my arms around her, and rest my head on top of hers. Our legs are entangled, and she can hear my heartbeat. I fall asleep much quicker than ever.

Kirstie's POV
I groan as Kevin's alarm goes off. He's already up, of course. Avi's still asleep when I glance up at him, so I  stay right where I am.

"Kirstie, it's 2:30 and you've got to get up. I know you're awake," Kevin reminds me.


"I've got coffee."

"But it's warm here."

"Kirst, you can snuggle with Avi on the tour bus."



I roll out of Avi's arms, and wake him up.

"Babe.. it's too early."

"Do you want to go to Washington or not?" I tease.

"Not really," he jokes.

"What about he fans," I smile.

"They can come to us."

"They already are. Lots of them travel from a different state to watch us."




"Get up."

"Give me one reason."

"I won't cuddle with you on the tour bus if you don't get up."

"Fine," he says, sitting up.

Kevin, Avi, and I all drink our coffee/tea and sit and chat. None of us are hungry enough for food, so we sit in our room.

"Guys, it's 2:55, if we don't get down there, Esther will kick us out from the band."

"True," I answer.

"The sad part is, she would kick us out and she wouldn't have a job."

"She's still kick us out though."


We all head down with our bags, and we're greeted by an angry Esther.

"You're 5 minutes late! What were you even doing?"

"Getting our stuff.."

"Well, get in. We're still waiting for Scott and Mitch."

We sigh and get in the tour bus, getting our usual bunks as well.

"Kit, we can't sleep together.." Avi frowns.

Kevin starts cracking up, again.

"Not like that!" Avi scolds.

"I know, I can barely fit in my bunk and I'm like 3 foot 2."

"You're not 3 foot 2."

"I basically am."

"You're being difficult."


Scott walks in with a grumpy Mitch behind him.

"It's too damn' early," he mutters to himself.

"Queen hasn't had her coffee," Scott explains.

"Neither has he, and yet he's so damn' cheery!" Mitch exclaims.

"Can we just go back to sleep?" I ask, once the tour bus is finally moving.

"You had two cups of coffee, in 5 minutes you won't be able to sit still," Avi laughs.


We all stay up and watch a movie. Esther finally calmed down, and Scott and Mitch are of course sitting by each other. Next to Scott is me, cuddled into Avi. On the other couch is Esther and Kevin.
I'm surrounded by my favorite people, and one of them happens to be the man of my dreams. I'm also doing the job of my dreams, nothing can go wrong now.

Hey everyone! I managed to squeeze in a filler..

Qotd: do you guys want Kesther to be a thing in this or nah? 😂

Well anyways, GOOODBYYYEE


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