t w e n t y o n e

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Scott's POV

I look at the sleeping boy in my arms, and smile. It's been about a week of break, and we only have 4 more days. I will miss being on break with Mitchy, but I love tour a ton.

And, we get to go to New York in this half the tour, and New York is always a blast. We also scheduled a couple free days around it, just to go exploring. There's always something new to find in New York.

Mitch silently stirs in my lap, and sleepily wraps his arms around my waist. Now we're both smiling, and I know he's awake.



"What time is it?"

"8, remember last night we fell asleep here?"

"Oh, yeah."

"Yeah. Do you want me to make you breakfast?"


I carefully get up from under Mitch, and head to the kitchen. I could make him Waffle Chicken Casserole like that one video, but that's more of a lunch or dinner kind of thing..

I opt to go for a simple eggs and bacon breakfast. Who doesn't like eggs and bacon?

Not Mitch, at least.

After a while, Mitch comes scuffing in to "help make breakfast".

"I told you I would make breakfast for you."

"Then I'll make it for you."



After our fake argument, Mitch must've decided on waffles. He gets out things to make either pancakes or waffles, and the waffle iron. He mixes all the ingredients, and then proceeds to pour them in the waffle iron. He closes the lid and waits for the light to appear. I was waiting for the bacon to cook, so I just watched him. He was really cute, what can I say.

Once the light did appear, he tried to open the waffle iron. In the process, he burned himself, and lightly cursed. "Are you okay?" I asked.


"You just burned yourself."

"Are you watching me?" He asks, turning to face me.

"I'm waiting for the bacon to cook."

"So, it's creepy to watch people."

"But you're cute," I wrap my arms around him from behind.

"Someone's a big flirt in the morning," he mutters, blushing.

"And someone's clumsy in the morning. Are you sure you're okay? I can get you ice, aloe. I could take you to the emergency room-"

"Jesus, Scott, I'm fine. Really."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive!" He says, exasperatedly. He carefully pries my waffle off the iron, then pours more batter into it.

"Are you sure making me breakfast was a good idea?"

"Yes, Scott! Stop worrying about me! I can make you breakfast just like you can."

"I'm just worried about your finger," I mumble. I hear Mitch set down whatever he had in hand, and come over to me. Now he's the one wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you," he says into my chest.

"Sorry I'm so worried about you. I'm scared you'll hurt yourself."

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