17: Some Tales

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Chapter 17: Some Tales

Two Years Later: 1992

"And it's off to turn four! Lap 58, and The King still has the lead! Bob, I think Dino's Golden Boy is gonna do it again! He's looking to be on fire today!"

It was 10:00 in the morning and the third race of the season was hot on the radio.

"Darrell, this is undoubtedly his race to win! I don't see him losing that lead anytime soon. But as we all know, in the racing world, anything can happen." Bob Cutlass said to Darrell Cartrip. Harley was on the front porch of Lizzy's shop keenly listening into RSN Radio. Meanwhile, Lizzy was sound asleep.

"Go, Uncle Strip!" Harley shouted in excitement. Doc came driving up, looking rather upset.

"Harley? What are you doing?" he asked, his eyelids furrowed.

"Uncle Strip is racing right now!" She shouted looking up at Doc. Her voice was fuller now and not as high pitched. In just two years, Doc noticed her get bigger and her angels became sharper, but still held their childlike curves. "I don't know how many Piston Cup points he has, but he's winning, so he'll get more!" Looking back at Lizzy's radio, she went on with listening to the exciting race. Clearly, Doc was not happy with it.

"I'm glad your uncle is winning." he said but went to turn off the radio. "But we have to go over your homework." Since the all papers were signed and all the conditions were agreed upon, Doc had been homeschooling Harley. He enjoyed teaching her, but he didn't enjoy the amount of time she spent getting distracted.

"No! I'm supposed to have two days off every week!" Harle whined as Doc shut off the race. "Saturday and Sunday!"

"Yes, Harley I know but-"

"Doc, today's my day off!" Harley persisted in setting her case.

"Harley…" Doc said calmly.


"Today's Friday." Harley looked at Doc confused then she thought about the day's date and finally nodded.

"Ooohhhh…." She said and slumped on her tires while Doc chuckled.

"It's alright, let's go." Doc said and started to head for the clinic with Harley at his side.

"Alright Harley, what's two times two?" Doc asked as he looked over second grade papers. Harley thought for a second then jumped up.

"Oh, four!" she shouted and Doc nodded.

"Good job! Two times three?" Doc asked and again she thought.

"Uh… five?" Doc shook his hood. "No wait! Six!" Harley corrected herself and Doc chuckled.

"Yes, that's right. Now why is it six?" Doc asked and Harley quickly answered.

"Because it two threes! And so it's like three plus three!" Doc smiled at her.

"Exactly." They went on with their math lesson for a while before taking a break.

"Are we done?" Harley asked in a sort of cry baby tone.

"We're done with math." Doc said and Harley brightened up.

"Yay! I'm gonna see if Uncle Strip-" Harley began to speed off, but Doc moved in front of her, causing her to break hard.

"Oh, no you don't!" Doc said and she again slumped onto her tires.

"Aw…." she cried. "What now?"

"Now you have to read for twenty minutes." Doc said and went over to a stack of books.

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