Chapter 36- To Hunt Them Down

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Chapter 36: To Hunt Them Down

December 17, 2000

Doc hadn't slept in days. How could he? He hardly spoke. He became colder, quieter, speaking only when spoken to. Appearing to the town only when absolutely necessary, otherwise he'd be locked away in his office at the courthouse making calls and searching for Harley via the news. He was frantic in a silent and solemn way. The whole town worried for him, though none more than Sheriff. He was constantly checking in on him and bringing him water and food regardless if he accepted it. Regardless of how many times Doc said he didn't have anytime for anything other than finding Harley. He ignored everyone in their attempts to take care of him claiming the only thing they should be helping him with was looking for her. Consequently, he had been out of the loop lately. They were talking about how this could effect Doc in the long run both mentally and physically. What could become of their beloved leader and friend? The towns folk had been traveling around in search of her. They called friends and family, but nothing. She was simply gone. A week had gone by and there were zero hints. Zero clues. Nothing. Because of this, Doc had many sleepless nights. It was on one of these nights in the middle of the second week that he couldn't shake the worst of it. The memory of that next day.

December 3-4, 2000

Once Doc had returned home from being towed back by Mater, Guido and Luigi had replaced his tire that went out along with the others as well for good measure. He then trapped himself in the clinic. Screamed, knocked things across the room. He let no one into the clinic, not even Sheriff. The majority of them sat just outside the locked doors of the clinic, a few even falling asleep there. Eventually Doc had quieted down. The others believed he had worn himself to sleep, but no. He remained awake that first night and every night for a very long time after that. Once he saw that day light had started to pour through the closed blinds like a persistent fire, he emerged from the clinic silently driving right by the few cars that had remained the whole night and into the morning. Flo had begun making Doc's breakfast and caught him in the corner of her windshield as he drove by the cafe.

"Doc, honey! I'm working on your food right now!" Flo called out, but this car was on a mission. He didn't even glance at her. "Doc, you need to eat!" she persisted. "Doc, you best not ignore Flo!" Her tone became stricter, but it didn't make a difference to Doc. He heard nothing. Felt nothing but the pain of losing a child. It was the first time he refused food from Flo.

Doc had driven up at a decent pace all the way to the moment Harley had fled. He looked at the road ahead and felt his whole body shiver. She was out there and she couldn't possibly be far. She would be okay. She had to be. He knew the direction she went would lead her to his old friend Marty. He would know something, he had to. Though he was an interesting car with his strange beliefs. Doc took a deep breath and started his journey. It was quiet and lonely. The memories of the night before haunting him life a terrible nightmare, only this nightmare couldn't just simply be shaken. This one would stay with him until he found her.

Doc had made it to his destination and scanned the old house up and down. As he had expected, Marty came to the porch. He looked older since the last time they had spoke. Upon seeing him, a smile appeared on Doc's face and for a small moment, he forgot about the sadness that had been piercing him. Then he remembered why he was there and it quickly returned.

"Well, if i' ain' Doc Hu'son." Maty said with his broken speech.

"It's good to see you too, Marty." He replied as he drove up the porch. "May I come in?"

"Well ah course, come on." Marty then disappeared into his house with Doc. Once inside, Doc took note of the wood stove burning. It made the room have a welcoming and warm feeling. He also took note of the fact that Mary hadn't been completely alone this chilled December morning. There were two plates left on the table from an early breakfast. Doc knew it had to have been Harley.

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