A Kiss

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A Kiss

© Ferrer Joey Palomar Fesico

There's rejoice in the castle, all dove's seed picking was disturbed,

they don't know why; Something's there, all necks were up high.

"Hello everyone! what a lovely day!", Attendants have looked,

all questions but can't ask; The princess is up, different, all they can say.

"Make way for today, I will meet him today"; The princess's pray.

saying words all in gay; They scramble, all prepared.

"Who's coming again?" asked one "Why we prepare?"

"Be silent?" said besides. "Let one heart's frozen be unfrozen"

The day was untold, so they just did what was told.

The princess shared a smile today, maybe the gods heard her tears.

No one knows what to come, maybe longed will be done.

So the evening was set, all wished; Let not hurt.

The princess has one thought "will this seal all my hurt?"

And while on the road, thinking more she fought;

it's been years, "I have no words to come port".

One thing though is for sure, his face she will kiss.

"I know his hurt too, would it be much if I heal it with a kiss?"

Such thoughts she can't wait; She gripped, she expects.

Songs all in harmony, all acoustics lightly played as expect.

Lights were so calmly, romantic, sparkling; perfectly in a set.

From afar she can see, his love is anxious like she is.

As closer draw nearer it looks like they'd be healed.

The "Hello" wants to begin; Their love music began and play

A little more steps and their longing hearts will smile all at last.

Seconds to take moments seems together at last!;

But a selfish knife suddenly drove thru her heart; All hands,

all eyes followed she fell; this bitter curtail halted the thrill.

The princess falls down aiming his hand;

Someone's feelings in there reject what they want.

No hatred, no vengeance, no malice is there just jealous it can't bear.

So the guards and the crowd, cut visions, his love might not bear.

But his eyes were present and it's there; No one is prepared.

The aids and the guards cleared them away; Holding her chest,

She looked for him to be there. "Come to my love, this world isn't faring."

"Let us fulfill the reason why we are here"; This love, been waiting ...

on this year, on this time must be healed." "Be near ..."

Dying their kiss have touched, dying his hands now hers.

The princess closes her eyes. "This world is not fair!"; The Prince bewail

."My love waits for me there" "If that's the only way for us to be forever near"

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