Eclipse of summers wind

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Eclipse of summers winds

© Ferrer Joey Palomar Fesico

Summer night, with the lightly cold evening breeze.

The winds are enchanted with the figure of her face;

Clouds like silk sheets cut covered parts of the moonlight.

her face enhanced, glow kissing to its lights.

Like those two stars, twinkles on her both eyes;

Weaved long sparkling hair and glow brightly in the night.

Unconditional, a longing, lifted and carried to this night;

Smiled even; his heart was lifted closer nearer, to her skies.

Both shared this, catching thoughts thru letters;

The excitement of receiving imaginary kisses with smiles.

Sometimes short of messengers but it arrives; Friendly.

Chasing words and its meanings, all but lovely sighs.

Endless long of chain letters, all received with caressed sighs.

Each one read, repeated and scrutinized; Night every night,

wishes never run out, all sent with care on every flight.

How weightless were their troubles, like they don't even exist

How promising every night, no worries persist

On the sack they expect tomorrow again will be best.

Back, sitting alone on his bench reminiscence, all is best.

Until his head unwillingly shook; the memory end.

Something she said, his heart could barely take; Desolated.

"My turning page's on a voyage"; hit by cancer; temporary

Those words were late, his heart's past vend.

veritas, some hidden on its synastry.

Angels all cried, "Why?"; unbelievers of synastry.

Carrier of Christ's trust; capacitated only with jealousy.

This man got shot, twice, at point blank.

To his heart, to his trust; The just become unjust.

Yet they invoke to bring justice but justice died on the yolk

Ignominy; Ignorance killed the victim.

This man loved without malice, without jealousy.

An angel hungers, only for the tidbits of inspirations;

Now was left in solitary with no friend and friend like himself.

Also hated for his love quests, his wound his own cure.

The keys were entrusted; kept, no truth was set free.

But never he asked, never convict nor Judges, just to be healed.

Soul buried down deep, deep in the cells of no regrets

No hell has ever step conquest; all missions he kept

In all the slashes, never he quits; Loved 'em daily even pain's not healed.

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