The Owl

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S/c = skin color
H/c & h/l = hair color and length
E/c = eye color
F/n & l/n = first name and last name
Hope you enjoy~}

Jareth's P.O.V

It was late in the evening when I arrived at a small park in the human world. The scenery was absolutely breathtaking. Cherry blossoms were blooming and there was a small pond with some rocks and a bench nearby. Although the park was glorious, it couldn't compete with the young maiden sitting on the bench with a book in her hand. Her sparkling s/c skin, lustrous h/c h/l hair, and her gorgeous e/c eyes pulled me in.

    I carefully perched myself in a tree near the bench so that I could have a better look. The tranquil wind blew her hair this way and that, but it couldn't break her concentration. I admired her beauty for a few more minutes until she looked around and spotted me. Her expression showed that she was startled, but it quickly turned to a warm smile.

Your P.O.V

    I was calmly reading my favorite book, that is until I felt like I was being watched. Swiftly I looked around, in the nearest tree sat a barn owl. A wave of relief washed over me as I gave it a warm smile. In response it tilted its head to the side, as if it were admiring me. "No, F/n. That's silly!" I thought to myself, but what if I'm right?

    I carefully got up and strolled towards the beautiful creature. To my surprise it didn't even flinch as I gently stroked its head. Its beautiful feathers were soft and silky, making it even more pleasing to the touch.

    "Hey there, pretty owl. What brings you here?" I purred as I continue to stroke it. The owl nuzzled my hand and looked at me, its eyes were twinkling. It was uncommon for owls to be here, especially at Stanley's Park. I locked eyes with the bird of prey, there was something a bit off.

    "F/n! Where the heck are you?!" broke me out of our little staring contest. A sigh of annoyance escaped my lips. I turned around to see my stepsister Mira prancing towards me. When she was a few feet in front of me she placed her spray tanned hands on her boney hips. Her over glossed lips were in a shape that made her look like she ate a lemon.

Jareth's P.O.V

"Dinner has been ready for fifteen minutes! What've you been doing?!" I heard the other girl hiss. She gave off that bratty and snobby vibe, what a pity that F/n had to deal with her. F/n rolled her eyes as she grabbed her book off the bench, clearly she didn't like her either. "I was reading and having a staring contest with this owl," she snipped back.

      A sour expression began to spread across the fake tanned girl as she looked at me. I flapped my wings and flew away from the little snob, but not too far from where they were. I watched as F/n looked for me, failing because of the dense leaves. I felt pity as I watched her follow the extremely boney girl out of the park and onto the pavement.

Your P.O.V

     I walked into the dining room with Mira by my side, basically breathing down my neck. Inside the well lit room my stepmother Luanne gave me a stern an sour look, my father and Jonathon on the other hand gave me warm smiles. I took my seat next to my little half brother while Mira sat next to Luanne. Luanne cleared her throat, sounding like a dying elephant.

    "What exactly have you been doing that more important than having dinner on time with us?" She growled at me with pure annoyance. I chose to ignore her as Jonathon handed me the dinner rolls and butter. Shortly after I heard a bitter sigh escape her lips, she knew that I didn't want to deal with her right now. I took a bite of what she had served and looked out the window. To my shock the same barn owl was outside watching us eat.

It calmly tilted its head to one side, I felt as if its twinkling eyes were reading me like a book. I slowly gave it a calm smile before I turned my attention back to my plate. This was the first owl I've seen in this area, and strangely enough it seemed to like me. I quickly ate all of my food and got up to place my plate in the sink. I must be going crazy, maybe it's just a coincidence that the owl was here.

Jareth's P.O.V

I sat by the windowsill and supervised the goblins as they scampered around her room. Slowly and carefully Poppit placed the red book on her messy desk, trying not to move anything. A chuckle escaped my lips as he silently cheered and hobbled my way. "Sire, I have a feeling that this girl will be a lot better than the last!" he whispered as I placed him next to me.

Sorry for kind of putting a cliffhanger, I felt like that was a good place to stop. I hope you enjoyed! I'm still getting back into the swing of writing, so sorry if it's not the best.

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