The invitation

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Your P.O.V.

        I woke up to the feeling of warm lighting on my face, and sadly to my dismay the sun was up. As I groggily tried to move, I felt two arms wrapped strongly around my waist, it was the one and only Jareth. He was lightly snoring as his long hair was in his face, I silently giggled and looked at him, mesmerized. Memories of last night flooded my brain, filling me with a sense that was somewhat like euphoria.

I never wanted last night to end, for it was extremely magical with love pulsating through the cool air. He put so much effort into the date in such little time just for me. I lied there deep in thought until I heard multiple tapping noises from the window sill. I quickly looked over to the window, immediately I screeched at the top of my lungs.

Jareth quickly sat up, alerted by my scream. There was gigantic spider at the sill with a scroll between its feelers. It seemed to be impatiently tapping one of its legs as it's beady eyes looked at both of us. Jareth looked pale as ghost as he got up, but I could tell it wasn't the spider that made him nervous. He took the small scroll and commanded the spider to shoo, making it give him a small glare before it went down a line made out of webs. He walked reluctantly back to the bed and sat down on his side of it.

     I quickly grabbed the tiny scroll before he could Magic it away and read it.
Dear Jareth,
A ball shall be held next month at my castle. I expect you to be there, with or without a partner and dress your best. All of the kingdoms from different realms will attend.

                         The Spider Queen, Fione

Jareth quickly grabbed it out of my hands after I read the tight and spidery hand writing. It now made sense as to why a huge arachnid crawled through the bedroom window. He quickly scope through the invitation himself, he grew even paler as he read the words. "Are you alright?" I pondered aloud, he immediately nodded his head and smiled at me. I then wrapped my arms around him and made him lie back down, making him give me a confused look.

"I just want to lie in bed and cuddle all day," I whined, giving him puppy dog eyes. He chuckled lightly and wrapped his arms around my waist as I rested my head against his broad chest. He silently sang Modern Love to me as my eyes grew drowsier by the minutes.

Soon enough it was the afternoon in the Underground, we had finally gotten out of the comfy bed. I quickly changed into a Queen t shirt and jeans, I didn't even bother putting on makeup or doing my hair. To my luck, I got ready quicker than Jareth, so I plopped down on his throne. A few of the goblins gave me confused looks as I sat on it the way Jareth would. He sauntered into the throne room, a towel on his hips and his hair dripping wet. Immediately, he  stopped in his tracks and looked at me. "Really, love?" He chuckled as I just  looked up at him and gave him an innocent smile.

With a snap of his fingers, he was in his usual white poet's shirt, black vest, grey tights, and black high-heeled boots. I squeaked when he suddenly lifted me out of his throne, earning a chuckle from him. "It's awfully rude to take someone's throne without asking, precious." He snickered as he sat down, placing me on his lap. "I was keeping it warm for you," I giggled, lying my head against his chest. He began to stroke my hair, making me feel somewhat sleepy.

     "Jareth and F/n sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, second comes marriage, them comes the baby in a baby carriage!" Jonathon sang from the stairs, giggling away as I blushed. Jareth stifled a laugh as the goblins were rolling around, laughing at the top of their lungs. Though the atmosphere was cheery, I could still sense that something was bothering Jareth, the invitation.

I'm sorry that it's fairly short and that it took ages to upload, but I've sadly been busy with school. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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