The Birthday Ball

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(Thank you so much for over 170 reads! You have no idea how grateful I am to have you wonderful people reading this story! I love you all very much <3)

Your P.O.V

      An hour had passed and it was the best hour in my life! Jareth wasn't the cruel and intimidating person that he seemed to be. In fact, he was a far cry from it! I had never met a man who was so kind and respectful like him. Currently he was giving us a tour around the city. He was carrying Jonathon against his hip as we had our arms linked together.

It was easy to tell that Jonathon was enjoying the time we spent with Jareth and the goblins. "Can I be the Goblin Prince?" he looked up at the king with puppy eyes. "I suppose," he chuckled and ruffled Jonathon's hair. I smiled and laid my head against Jareth's upper arm.

       "Hey Jareth?" I piped up, wanting to tell him something. "What is it F/n?" "I have to tell you, I'm a horrible dancer." I looked up at him, and he gave me a reassuring smile. "I can teach you how to dance when we get back to the castle," he assured. I quickly nodded because I honestly didn't want to stepping on his toes at the ball. I found myself blushing a bit, was I falling for him even more?

Mira's P.O.V

"Why'd you have to do such a thing like that?" Hoggle asked me as we climbed a creaky old ladder. "What?" "You smacked him!" His eyes were wide with astonishment. "Well, he took my siblings and he's a damn creep!" Immediately after I said that he missed a step and fell, but luckily I caught him.

    "You shouldn't say those things, what if he hears this?" "I'm not afraid of him, Hoggle," I began as I helped him back onto the ladder, "he doesn't scare me one bit!" Hoggle clicked his tongue at my brave words. Clearly he wasn't going to risk being dipped into the Bog of Eternal Stench.

As Hoggle and I reached the top of the ladder, I couldn't help but to think about F/n and Jonathon. Jareth said that they were getting ready for a ball, but were they? "Alright, here we are little lady," Hoggle chimed as he lifted up the lid. I smiled and followed him out and into a forest filled with fruit trees. The sight of them began to make my stomach growl.

     "Thanks for taking me as far as you could Hoggle, you're a true friend," I smiled at him and gave him my silver ring with an emerald. He was more flabbergasted about me calling him my friend than the ring. I quickly hugged him then went down a gravel trail.

Your P.O.V

We were finally back in the castle and getting ready for dance practice. Anxiety was beginning to bubble in my chest, but it began to simmer down as Jareth smiled at me. He gently put one hand on my lower back as I put one of mine on his shoulder. We then connected our free hands and slowly started to dance.

   "See, F/n? You're a natural!" He chuckled as our dancing began to go at a normal pace. I blushed lightly and smiled up at him, also humming a tune that went well with our slow dance. Our eyes were locked as we danced, I never want this moment to end. This went on until we heard something coming from the throne. "Kiss already!" it was Jonathon, he giggled as we both looked over at him.

   There was a slight blush on Jareth's face as he grinned. "I don't think the timing is right, little Goblin Prince," he chuckled. This made Jonathon pout a little bit and get back to playing with the goblins. I giggled and turned my attention back to Jareth as we continued to practice. He was giving me confidence that I'd do just fine at the ball later on.


I quietly inspected myself in the full body mirror of the guest bedchamber. My hair had lovely jewels in it and my dress was my favorite color with absolutely gorgeous diamonds on the bodice. Luckily, the dress wasn't too poofy and it fit like a glove. A downside to it was that it showed a bit too much cleavage than I'd like, but otherwise it was perfect.

The mask was the same color and had diamonds around the rim. Two feathers decorated the right upper edge, one of a white dove and the other of a raven. My heart fluttered as I twirled around, I really wanted to make this night memorable. I opened the door and slowly walked down to the ballroom, I could hear multiple people laughing and singing inside.

People turned their heads as I slowly opened the door. I know that they can sense that I'm just a mortal girl, but I won't let that get to me. I look around, searching for Jareth but he was nowhere to be seen. After a while I saw someone in a sparkly blue suit and an odd mask with a skeletal handle. They smiled and moved their mask away, it was Jareth. He sat his mask down on a table and offered me a hand, I gladly took it. As we began to dance, a lot of fae women and some men gave me somewhat jealous looks.

"There's such a sad love deep in your eyes, a kind of pale jewel, open and closed. Within your eyes, I'll place the sky within your eyes~," He was singing passionately and not breaking eye contact with me. His words came from the bottom of his heart, did he truly mean it? His eyes were shining brighter than usual, they were like stars in the night sky.

"There's such a fooled heart, beating so fast in search of new dreams. A love that will last, within your heart, I'll place the moon within your heart~," We danced across the room and into the center. "As the pain sweeps through, makes no sense for you. Every thrill is gone, wasn't too much fun at all," he pulled me closer to him, making my cheeks a rosy red. "But I'll be there for you-ou-ou as the world falls down.~"

Some of the other faes were singing along and smiling at us. "Falling. As the world falls down. Falling. Falling in love.~" "I'll paint you mornings of gold. I'll spin you Valentine evenings, though we're strangers 'til now. We're choosing the path between the stars. I'll leave my love between the stars~," I couldn't help but smile at the man that I was falling in love with every second.

    As the song ended people were gathered around us, making cheers to the event. "Did you like it?" he smiled at me as the clock struck twelve. "Like it? I love it!" I kissed him, making everyone whistle and cheer. Suddenly the door burst open, a frantic goblin hurried over to us. "Your highness, the foolish girl is on her way here! She's at the gates!" I had never seen him gone so pale in my whole twelve hours here.

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