Maze Running and Celebrations

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Mira's P.O.V

     Out of all of the nights that those two could've chosen to prank me, it just had to be a stormy night. I furiously ran back into the house with my diary close to my chest and quickly shut the door. The diary was dry, thank goodness, but I was soaked and chilled to the bone.

     "Okay you two, that was really funny! Just wait until I get you both back!" I hollered up the stairs. There was no answer, my guess is that they're hiding. I sprinted up the stairs and put my ear against F/n's bedroom door. For a second it was eerily quiet, then I heard giggling.

I gingerly opened the door and the laughter stopped. Near the window stood a figure, it was too tall to be Jonathon or F/n. My hand immediately tried to flick the light switch, but the lights didn't come on. A chuckle broke the silence and it was coming from the tall figure.

    As the lightning outside flashed, I could see his details. He almost looked like a character out of one of F/n's story books.

    "You do know that it's awfully rude to stare, foolish girl," hissed a mid-tone British voice, making a shiver go down my spine. The man was looking at me, his two different colored eyes twinkled with mischief.

     "Who are you?" I retorted ferociously. He smirked at me as he played with a crystal ball. "Why, I'm the exact king that you said wasn't real," he replied casually. Suddenly it struck me, he looked like the drawings in the book. He was the one and only Jareth the Goblin King.

    "Where's F/n and Jonathon? Are they okay? They must be so scared-" "Why are you worried, dearie? You're the one who wished them away after all!" He cut me off with his bitterly sharp words. Tears began to form in the corners of my eyes. I did wish them away, but I meant nothing of it.

    "I-I didn't mean to.." "Oh you didn't? Well since you're so worried, have a look in my crystal," he scoffed as I looked into the crystal. F/n was laid across an odd throne made of wood, leather, and ivory. Jonathon was on her lap, both of them were sleeping peacefully. He moved the crystal to his pocket as I tried to touch it.

    "I'll give you a crystal that shows all of your dreams, but under one condition. Forget about your siblings and all of your dreams will come true~" his offer was tempting, but it seemed too good to be true. "No, I'll run your Labyrinth to try to reach the castle," I bargained, remembering that little detail from her book.

      "You have thirteen hours to solve the Labyrinth, but if you don't make it in time they'll be one of us forever, what a pity," he chuckled as he sealed the deal as he pointed outside. Instead of the stormy night sky there was a maze and far beyond in the center was the castle. This stupid maze will be a piece of cake!

Your P.O.V

    I slowly began to stir from my peaceful slumber. Oddly enough I had the strangest dream, but it was so fuzzy and trying to recall it along with all the noise began to make my head hurt. Suddenly I opened my eyes, this was very unfamiliar territory. Goblins were running around and being reckless, Jonathon was asleep on my lap, and I could feel a rhythm against my head. It was somewhat like a heartbeat, but what piece of furniture has one?

    "Did you sleep well, F/n~?" a man purred in my ear. I quickly looked up and was face to face with Jareth. I blushed a deep ruby red, earning a chuckle from him. I was on his lap and we were in his throne room. "Well, love~?" he purred again as he played with my hair.

     "I-I slept well.." I shyly answered. He was somewhat intimidating in a way, but he probably has to seem that way since he's a king. He smiled in response, it was so genuine and kind. He quickly became irritated as the goblins got louder and woke up Jonathon. Suddenly Jonathon hopped off of my lap, he seemed a bit frightened by the goblins.

Jareth seemed to know what to do as he slid off his throne and pulled me up with him. He put an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He grinned mischievously and I couldn't help but to smile back.

"You remind me of the babe," he began to sing, with the goblins joining in. "What babe?" "The babe with the power," he winked at me as he twirled me around a bit. "What power?" "The power of voodoo!" "Who do?" "You do!" "Do what?" "Remind me of the babe," his singing was absolutely amazing and familiar to an artist that I listen to.

"I saw my baby crying hard as babe could cry, what could I do? My baby's love had gone and left my baby blue. Nobody knew," he picked me up and twirled me around more, and I couldn't help but laugh and sing along. Meanwhile, Jonathon was dancing with some goblins.

    "What kind of magic spell to use?" "Slime and snails?" "Or puppy dog tails?" "Thunder or lightning?" I'll admit that the goblins weren't the best at singing but they absolutely loved it. Jareth waltzed with me a bit, his glowing smile was making my heart melt more for him.

     "Then baby said dance magic, dance.
Dance magic, dance. Put that baby spell on me. Jump magic, jump. Jump magic, jump. Put that magic spell on me, slap that baby make him free!" this went on for a while longer until the song was over and my feet were dead tired. Out of the blue, I gave him a kiss on the cheek. It came as a bit of a shock to both of us, but it was rather enjoyable.

     "F/n?" "Yes, Jareth?" "Would you like to have a ball tonight to celebrate your fifteenth birthday?" he sweetly asked me. I gasped a bit with surprise and quickly nodded, "I'd love to!" The twinkle in his eyes made me smile more.

Mira's P.O.V.

     It's not fair! I've been running around this damn labyrinth for three hours and I got stuck in this oubliette. Thankfully the dwarf, I believe his name is haggle or something like that, came back. I had to wager with him to keep him from taking me back to the beginning.

      We were now walking past the annoying stone faces that gave off false alarms. Suddenly a crystal ball rolled by and into a blind beggar's cup. The dwarf looked a bit scared as it tilted its head. I glared suspiciously at the beggar. There was something off about him.

     "What have we got here? A cheating young girl?" The beggar hissed at us as it suddenly got taller. It quickly yanked away the outfit and revealed Mr. Tight Pants himself. He sassily put a hand on his hip and inspected us both.

     "Games aren't very fun when someone is cheating!" he growled at me. He seemed a bit childish, this was a game to him? "This isn't a game, where are they? If you hurt them I'll-" "Tut tut tut, enough with the empty threats. They're getting ready for tonight's ball,"  I've had enough of this stupid king's little game.

      A smirk was spread across his face as he chuckled. SMACK! Suddenly it was gone and he had a red handprint on his cheek, all thanks to me. He glared at me coldly and without saying a word he chucked a crystal behind him. Immediately he disappeared and left what Hoggle called, "The Cleaners!"

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