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Gerard's eyes fluttered open. It was the 2nd time in the past 3 days he had passed out. Great.
He was in his hideout, the smell of drugs and alcohol overwhelmed him. His friends surrounding him, they were constantly placing cold flannels on his head and feeling his pulse.
"He's waking up!" one cried.
"Guys, guys!"
"Gee?" one asked.
"Guys, I need to get to school..." Gerard said.
"Ditch school. Stay here, we can have a great time, getting fucked up every night!" one said, making the "horns" hand gesture - and doing it wrong.
"No, no... i have dreams. I want to make comics, and i need my education to do so."
The boys sniggered and chuckled at his preposterous idea.
"Never in my 4 years of coming here every night, have i seen someone saying they have dreams. Our dreams are, if we're lucky, actually waking up in the morning." one said.
"Well, thats the difference between me and you. Some times i'd like to achieve, but other times i want death. There's no in between. I also have to stay alive for Derek. He's all i've got, and i'm all he's got." Gerard said, condescendingly. He proceeded to get up and leave for school, but one of the boys grabbed onto him before he could leave.
"Before you go, theres something you should know..."
the boys all had upset looks in their eyes, it clearly was NOT good news.
"When we found you and Derek in the ditch, YOU had pulse. Derek, on the other hand..."
"No." Gerard cried.
"This is the stage of denial, we understan-" one of the boys began.
"He's NOT gone! You're lying!" Gerard shouted.
"We're sorry Gee."
"You're all LIARS! You're all gonna burn in hell!" he growled, storming off.
After, one of the boys stood up and began walking away.
"Where are you going?" one called after him.
"To get more cocaine and booze for G, obviously!"

Inside Gerard was screaming, everything was falling apart. That was it... everything he had to live for - ripped from him! His dreams were all ripped apart. He may have been alive on the outside, but on the inside he was dead. His eyes red from the tears made from chains, he walked through the entrance with messy hair, messy clothes and nothing to live for. Two steps into the building and...
"I was right. Loner boy went crying to his mommy!"
"So was I, he slit his wrists!"
"Yeah, for attention!"
"Attention seeker!"

If it was one thing he WASN'T seeking, it was attention. If anything, he wished for invisibility. Every night at 11:11, he'd wish for either death or invisibility.
He got through an entire day of school in a frozen state. He couldn't speak, he couldn't eat, he couldn't cry, he lost memory of what happiness felt like.
Walking down the hall, the bunch of bullies were walking close behind him. From behind, two grabbing him and held him tightly, making him wince in pain.
"FUCK OFF!" he shouted.
"Oh, so Mr Quiet does have a voice!" a bully laughed.
The lead bully, Jonah (remember his name, it's important), pulled up Gerard's sleeve, revealing his throbbing cuts - you could see the stains from where they bled for hours. Jonah got up close to Gerard's face, and sneered menacingly.
"Ah, so he DOES slit his wrists."
"Emo freak." a bully commented.
"Bet he does it for attention!" another bully said.

When they finally let him go, he went back to the skate park to do it all over again.


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I Need Something To Save Me (Gerard Way/MCR)Where stories live. Discover now