Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Lauren's POV

"Your name is Elizabeth..." The stupid mans voice kept replaying in my head. My name is NOT Elizabeth, but the name seemed familiar.

Everything was dark, I was dreaming. Yeah that was it, just dreaming. I'll wake up and I'll still be having a sleepover with Lisa. My head starts to throb and I couldn't tell why.

I force my eyes open to a dark room, I was in my room for sure, my room is always dark at night. I hold my breath when a figure appears in what I think was a doorway.

"Mom?" I squeak out, my throat was really dry and it hurt to talk. It hit me, this isn't my room, this isn't a dream. I try to stand up quickly but chains around my wrists stop me. "Help! HELP ME!!" I yell out wriggling in the chains.

"Stop it, you are cutting up your perfect wrists." A deep voice says in the darkness. I start to breathe quickly, this man was insane! "Let me go! I'm NOT Elizabeth!" I yell wriggling harder in the chains. I knew my wrists weren't perfect but the chains were cutting into my wrists. I start crying, first a few tears then full on bawling.

"Stop it stop it now! Dolls don't cry! Shut up!" He yells at me wrapping the rope around my mouth. I struggle harder, the metallic smell of blood soon filled the room, I was bleeding from my wrists and I hated it.

Wait. Did he say dolls?

He starts gagging, "Stop hurting your wrists!" He roars at me, warm wet tears fall down my face. "Ill get your new dress Elizabeth." He says as if the last 5 minutes had not happened.

The chains had loosened a bit when I was struggling so they didn't dig into my wrists. I try to take breaths but the rope in my mouth stopped me. This man thinks he owns me or something and I didn't like it.

"I'm back!" The man says cheerfully holding out an old lacy dress. I mutter cuss words under my breath, this man was crazy. "Oh no! I forgot I haven't adjusted your arms or legs yet!" He says running out of the room.

Adjusting, what did he mean. I start sweating badly. This man was going to kill me, I know. I naw on the thin rope as I think. How can I escape? I can't exactly pull a secret agent move where I quickly pick up something sharp and cut the rope. Especially if it isn't rope. This is just great!

I have my family, friends, Cole, I have a life. What does this man want? He doesn't seem to want to rape me, he hasn't pulled a knife on me, does he want company?

The man comes back into the room, "Come with me, we'll get you adjusted." He starts undoing the chains and scoffs. Blood started to drip again from the cuts on my wrists. I take a deep breath in as he snips off the rope.

"Now be quiet, we'll will get you adjusted, then renew your paint, finally get you into the dress and in your room." He says grabbing my wrist making me wince. "Paint? I'm not a doll! I'm not a toy! I don't have paint! I don't need to be adjusted!" I growl ripping my wrist from him.

He glares at me, "You are a doll. You are Elizabeth. Elizabeth Long. You are mine now." He turns and whips me with one of the chains. I howl back in pain.

He grabs my wrists again and drags me out. I kick and scream as he drags me. He seems invincible, nothing I was doing seemed to phase him in any way. He wraps rope around my hands tightly and he stops at a shut door. He drags me in by the rope and stops me at the corner.

"You will call me Papa or Papa Long. No in between. Wait here until I finish your sister Louise." He says shoving me in the corner. I hated him, I hated him so much. I pull my small grey jacket around me, I was so alone. But now I had sisters? I see a girl about my age, maybe a year or two give or take, she had her arms in a block tied to a string mechanism.

I stare in horror as he pulls a crank and the girl screams in pain as her arms rotate backwards over and over again. The girls screams bloody murder, he was dislocating her. He was adjusting her. I scream, I could hear her bones clicking out of place.

Please don't be happening, please don't be happening.


Hey guys!

Yeah crazy right?

Bending your arms out of place seems so gross OMG!

Hope you enjoyed bai bai!! ^-^

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