Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Lauren's POV

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

This could NOT be happening. My small pathetic life was in the hands of a maniac.

"Dammit! Not again. Going to have to get rid of another one, her adjustments didn't go right." I hear "papa long" grunt to himself. And what did he mean by the adjustments went wrong?

I look up from my hands to see the girl laying limply on the ground with her arms sprawled out. Bile rises in my throat when I see large and long slits around her arms.

"Get a box, we'll need to bury another faulty one." He says to me without lifting his head. "But I-" I start but a soft voice interrupts me, "Okay Papa, I will get another toy box." A girl appears in the room. She had perfect black curls, bright green eyes, almost paper white skin, and deep red lips. She walked limply, her steps were small and shaky, and her limbs hung loosely.

She could walk and move after being adjusted like that? "Thank you Katherine." The man says smiling at her. She nods and almost glides out.

He had others here, probably several. These names seemed so familiar, how could they, Elizabeth, Louise, Katherine, and Papa Long?

Angel's doll house. It had a small family with three daughters, a father and a mother. This was it, he was trying to make that family. We aren't dolls doesn't he realize that?!

Katherine comes back in dragging a medium sized box. I could see she was in extreme pain, but she didn't say anything. "Is this the largest box we have?" Papa Long asks staring at the tall girl and back to the smaller box.

"Yes, I'm sorry papa, you'll have to get more large ones." Katherine says quickly wincing like he had just punched her. Papa Long sighs and nods. I start to shake as he pulls out a large knife. I gulp back a scream and tears as he slowly starts to slice off her arms.

The room slowly develops a strong metallic smell, the girls limbs were set delicately beside her. Blood flowed from where her limbs were severed. Bile rises in my throat as he sets her torso in the box and places her limbs neatly beside it.

"Go prepare Elizabeth's dresses please, Katherine." Papa Long asks, Katherine nods and walks out of the room. "It's your turn Elizabeth, you'll make it, I know you will." He grabs my arms and I start to flail my arms and legs. "Please no! I'm flexible, I can move my arms and legs easily! Please don't do this! Please no!" I beg and cry shaking my legs and arms trying to prove my point.

He grunts but still picks me up and locks me into the wood. "Can I at least take off my hoodie? I mean I don't want it to get ruined." I ramble nervously. "You won't need it once you're adjusted, but fine, make it quick." He says coldly. He quickly unlocks my hands and I slip out of my jacket.

He locks my arms back in, I start to sweat, goodbye future of tumbling and varsity cheer. No moving arms anymore, I'll be crippled for life. Even if I get out of here. "Ready?" He asks, I'm not really sure it was a question though.

He starts to crank and I let out a scream. Pain ripped through my arms and chest. Pain I couldn't bear, I desperately wanted to fall to the ground in defeat. But if I did that, most likely my arms would rip off. I start to cry, large warm and wet tears son cover my face. "STOP!" I yell after he had cranked about 4 times. He stops my arms right in front of me.

I couldn't feel them much anymore but pain struck through my shoulder and chest. What little feeling I did have in my arms were extreme pain. He walks up to me and unlocks the wood barrier. I wince and yelp as he removes my arms from the wood. He puts water to my mouth and I drink it absent minded.

"Repairing time." I hear him coo as my eye lids close. He had drugged me so I wouldn't be awake while he worked on 'repairing me'.

No please, no. This just couldn't be happening...

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