[chapter 1]

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Jungkook had more in common with Yoongi than he initially thought. It became more and more surprising as days past and he learnt more about and from him. It was fascinating to see him work relentlessly and be passionate, especially when he sat down in front of a piano, looking at it like it was made of gold, like it meant everything to him.

Jungkook learned later that, in actual fact, it did mean everything to him.

Yoongi was quite mild, quite impartial to Jungkook's interest in him. He'd admit - never aloud - that he appreciated it to some extent or that it was comforting to have someone be as passionate about something as he was.

It didn't help that he was cute too but forget that for now.

The two were in the studio. It came as a shock when Jungkook came in timidly, closing the door softly behind him. Yoongi would've said something snide or rude as to where Jimin and Taehyung were but held back for the sake of the bags under Jungkook's eyes and the way his shoulders seemed to cave in on themselves. He sat down without a greeting in the chair next to Yoongi and offered him a bottle of water.

"You look like you need it better."

So he listened and took a sip for himself.

After a pause, he asked, "What are you working on?"

Yoongi froze, eyes flitting to the monitor in front of him. He knew what it was and because he was embarrassed, he replied, "I have no clue."


Jungkook reached into his back pocket and pulled out his phone, clicking on the camera app. He snapped a picture of Yoongi and deftly put his phone away before he got caught. He'd taken a habit of it, trying to snatch as many photos of him as possible because he couldn't help but think he was pretty; he'd even made a folder on his phone for them. He couldn't imagine what would happen if Yoongi found out about it.

"Did something happen?" Yoongi finally asked, fingers moving swiftly across the keyboard.

Jungkook forced a smile and said, "No, just lack of sleep really. Them two," and Yoongi scrunched his nose at that, "kept me up. Plus, I just want to spend time with you."

This was a faint reminder to Yoongi that he was indeed gay and terrible at taking compliments without being an asshole about it. "Cool. Did you want to work on something in particular?"

Jungkook shifted so that his head was resting on his hand. "I've been thinking, hyung."

"Is your brain okay?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes but laughed, knowing that he needed it. "You've taught me a lot of things, hyung. I want to teach you something."

Yoongi made a face. "Like what, Kook?"

 "Whatever you want. Anything I can do."

There was a pause. "We'll see, Kook. I'll take you up on it for sure."

A few days later, the entire group found themselves in the dance practice room, exhausted and panting. Yoongi sat propped up against the wall, running through some messages on his phone. He replied to a few, his mother's especially, assuring her that, yes, he had eaten well and had got decent sleep too - a solid eight hours - and that he was working hard; that it hurt sometimes but his brother was always motivating him; that his headaches were becoming worse but he could live through them. His mother told him to drink tea and take breaks which was the response that Yoongi didn't get often.

The room was very warm at the time - dim lights, low music and soft chatter, nothing loud or excessive. They preferred it that way.

He watched Jungkook continue to practice with a slight flush on his face because he realised that he was staring at his toned body a little too long for comfort. He tried to distract himself and decided he owed Jin a favour for coming and sitting next to him, wrapping an arm around Yoongi's shoulders

"Are you alright? You've been staring at him for the past fifteen minutes," he said, a faint smile on his lips and a scold in his eyes.

Yoongi went red and looked down, avoiding Jin's amused but piercing gaze. "I'm good, just dazed."

Jin gave him a knowing and teasing glance and as Yoongi was about to retort in his defence, he spoke, "It's okay to have crushes, Yoongi~"

He glared at Jin who only laughed in response. "Only fools, Jin."

There was silence and when Jin spoke, his voice was strained and awkward and his eyes were focused on Jimin. "Okay, whatever you say."

"Sorry," Yoongi whispered.

"No, you're right. Only fools."

Jungkook pulled his tired body across the practice room to get a drink of water. He was still awaiting an answer from Yoongi about his offer. He'd give him his time, he knew how Yoongi was; he'd take as long as he wanted before he'd gave him an affirmative answer. He turned a little and saw Jin and Yoongi talking in hushed voices. Yoongi turned away from the conversation and gave Jungkook a small smile.

It was something out of the ordinary - rare, even - to see him smile for no apparent reason.

But Jungkook took it politely with a smile of his own.

"Can we make a deal?" Jin asked, fiddling his fingers.

"What would that be?"

"That we look out for each other concerning..." he trailed off.

Yoongi felt a smile form on his face. "Them. Concerning them," he finished. "Yeah, sure." His gaze returned to Jungkook and he felt a childlike serenity overcome his senses.

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