[lesson 3]

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Jungkook shifted slightly so that Yoongi's head was resting on his arm. The wind whispered in the trees like a faint song meant for them only and the lake glittered in the moonlight. Jungkook hummed a foreign-sounding song while Yoongi drummed against his thigh.

There was something so serene about teaching someone to love. It had its own quiet classroom with bare purple walls and distant rambling and sometimes you could hear the pounding of one's heart. The teacher was not any higher than the student, nor was the student any higher than the teacher; they were equal in that classroom, learning about the simplicity of holding hands and laughing.

And then the idea of growing old together - and growing up with someone. Not learning about each other alone but about the world as well and starting to prefer staying in rather than going out because at the end of the day, the 'I love you' was still said and it held the same meaning and weight.

There was that one time - "For every time you swear throughout this week," Yoongi had said, wiggling his finger disapprovingly, "you have to give me ₩1000."

"You'll be rich too soon," Jungkook had responded.

"That's the point."

Jungkook had avoided swearing at all costs throughout the week. Yoongi was impressed, no doubt, but was a bit disappointed when he went to bed on Sunday without a single bill in his pocket. He was just shifting his pillows when he saw a flash of purple paper under them, caught barely by the moonlight coming in from the window. "Oh."

Two ₩1000 bills were placed neatly in an envelope alongside a letter that simply read, "I am not ashamed."

The day after that, there was no time to pull Jungkook aside so Yoongi snuck into his room while he was out and placed something under his pillow. Hoseok, who was in the room, raised a brow and burst out laughing when Yoongi sheepishly showed him a measly chocolate bar.

"And what's that for?"

Yoongi paused. "It's an unspoken 'I love you'."

Hoseok hummed, understanding.

"Don't eat it while I'm gone."

"I don't make promises."

Jungkook turned to look at Yoongi who was on the verge of falling asleep in his arms. He lifted his head.

"Don't fall asleep, hyung, the fireworks are going to start soon."

Yoongi murmured something nonsensical then said faintly, "That chocolate was me rewarding you for finally being smart enough to date me y'know. It was nothing to do with the swearing."

The first firework had gone up, lighting up the entire sky blue for a split second before the pretty little sparks were carried off by the wind into the abyss. Then there was a flash of pink - a pale, babyish colour that reminded Yoongi of Jungkook when he played with Holly. A flash of jade, all vibrant and glittery.

"Yeah, I thought it was weird that you'd reward me for swearing."

Yoongi rested his head against the bench. "Well, your swearing is really fucking adorable."

Jungkook scrunched his nose playfully at Yoongi's curse.

"Yours isn't," he said with a laugh.

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