[chapter 3]

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The next day, in the evening, Jin opened the door to Jungkook's room with a heavy breath. Jungkook was sitting on the edge of his bed, staring at the floor. When Jin came in, he looked up and addressed him with a dismissive nod.

"You wanted to talk to me?" He repositioned himself so that he was sitting cross-legged instead.

Jin nodded and took a seat next to him.

"I wanted to ask you how you feel about Yoongi. It's just a guess that you're acting up because of him."

It scared Jungkook that he shivered at even the mention of his name. Ever since that day in the studio, when he first put the offer forth, they acted different around each other. Like Jungkook crossed a line that Yoongi wasn't sure if he wanted Jungkook to cross or not.

And it was tense.

Then he thought - he was progressing their friendship without knowing if Yoongi wanted him to. He only knew that Yoongi was mysterious and cool and that he wanted to know more about him but what about how Yoongi felt? What did he think of Jungkook? Was he just as interesting? Or what if he was a pest?

"Um..." he started, "I think he's cool?"

Jin nodded and gave a hand movement as a signal to continue.

"I want to be closer to him. Like, get to know more about him. He's smart and has a lot of different skills and I learn from him; I guess I want to repay him with friendship? But, well, I haven't really thought about whether he wants my friendship or not."

The words felt unnatural because he'd never really felt awkward about what people thought of him before. Even girls didn't make him this awkward. It left a bitter taste in his mouth; worrying about his reputation was never a thing he saw himself being concerned about.

"Don't think like that, Jungkookie," Jin said softly. "I'm sure he would love to be closer to you."

The door to the bedroom opened and Namjoon poked his head in. "Suga's calling for you, Jungkook. Photography thing."

Jungkook swallowed, glanced at Jin who merely nodded and then stood.

"He's in his and Jin's room. By the way, where'd you keep the speaker?"

"First drawer."

Jungkook slipped out of the room past Namjoon to Yoongi's room where he would no doubt be on his laptop, fretting about saturation and worrying about exposure. It was amusing to see him so worked up about something seemingly unimportant.

He knocked first.

"Come in."

Jungkook pushed the door open and pulled a seat up next to Yoongi.

If you were to ask Jungkook what happened that day, he'd recall it fondly. They spent a lot of time simply sitting in silence, enjoying each other's company while Yoongi edited his pictures. Occasionally, they'd crack some stupid joke and wouldn't stop laughing until Yoongi realised his picture wasn't done. Then Jungkook played with his hair to relieve his stress. They had a pick-up line show-off, they played word games, they did everything friends would.

It's quite funny because Jungkook didn't think of it as an achievement until months later when they sat in a train carriage talking about nothing in particular. Everything in that moment seemed endless and calm and slow.

But there wasn't anything wrong with that.

In the morning, Jungkook woke up in Yoongi's room and even scarier, in his bed. Yoongi was slumped, still sleeping, in his office chair and Jin was in the other bed. He tried to think about how all of it happened and he came up with one possibility; Jin came in while they were working and fell asleep, Jungkook fell asleep in the chair so Yoongi carried him to the bed, continued working and fell asleep in his chair.

He shot up and shoved the sheets off his body. Why does this idiot have to be so caring? He picked Yoongi up from the chair with little effort and placed him on the bed so he could sleep comfortably. He laid his head on the pillow carefully and brushed the hair away from his forehead.

"Selfless bastard," he whispered.

"I know," Yoongi replied sleepily.

"Just sleep, hyung."

"Can you two keep it down?" Jin mumbled against his pillow.

Jungkook laughed softly. "Sorry, hyung."

He slipped out of the room quietly, careful not to wake the others either. It was only five in the morning; he could afford to get a little more sleep. The door to his room was left open the previous night so he tiptoed past a snoring Namjoon and landed on his bed with a thump.


"Wait, he didn't have pants on?"

"That's the thing; you just assume that he had pants on but the truth is that no, he wasn't wearing any pants."

Yoongi rubbed at his face tiredly. His watch read 8:30 but he knew that it was a little ahead and that it should really be 8:15. Jimin and Jin were talking in his room loudly. He didn't recall clearly how he got into his bed but he remembered Jungkook mumbling something about him being a selfless bastard. He went red at the thought of Jungkook carrying him to his bed in the early hours of the morning.

It was... somewhat embarrassing.

"Of course he wakes up at the part about a guy with no pants on," Jin said. Yoongi grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at Jin forcefully.

"Shut up."

Jin laughed. "Come downstairs, breakfast's ready. Tae, Hobi and Namjoon left early so it's just the four of us."

Jungkook was eating already when he got to the living room. All of his attention was on his phone where he'd probably be reading tweets from ARMYs, most of which he didn't understand (but tried to). Still, he appreciated what he did understand and what he didn't, he held close to heart. 

 It was scary and wonderful at the same time to know their influence stretched farther than he could physically reach.

"Is the sloth up?" he asked Jin distractedly.

Yoongi cleared his throat audibly.

Jungkook shot up in surprise. "Hyung! Oh- um, sorry."

Jin was monitoring the reaction. Of course, were it anyone else who said something like that, they'd be dead meat. Instead, Yoongi's lips curled into a small smile and he said, "It's alright." Jin forced his grin away.

"Yah!" Jin said, failing at suppressing that grin. "Stop flirting and come get your pancake, Yoongi."

The pair's ears turned red in embarrassment. Jungkook returned to his phone and Yoongi took his plate to sit in his room with. Before he could turn around to isolate himself again, Jin slapped his spatula against his chest. He gave him a look to which Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Please. For today."

"I have a song I want to work on."

But Jin was persistent: "Both of us promised. I'm simply fulfilling my end of it."

Yoongi glanced at Jungkook who was now gazing solemnly out of the living room window, contemplating life. He faltered slightly and Jin noticed so he let Yoongi walk with his plate to the living room.

"What a fucking stubborn ass."

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