Valentine's Day | Pt. 2

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The only noise that could be heard in Canterlot Hospital was quiet chatter, hums of machines and rapid footsteps. People turned their heads towards the sound to see a frantic Pinkie Pie running right past them to the check in center.

Reaching the main desk she quickly rang the bell multiple times to get the nurse's attention. She turned towards Pinkie Pie.

"Yes?" She asked tiredly.

"Uh, hi there. I'm looking for Twilight Sparkle's room?"She said hurriedly.

After saying this the ladies face immediately lit up. "Right down the hall and to your left. It's gonna be the first door on your right." She said with a giant grin.

Pinkie nodded her head and quickly sprinted down the hall. Turning the corner she ran straight into the room. Once inside she stopped in the doorway. There laying in the hospital bed was Twilight hooked up to a breathing machine, heart monitor, and a bunch of other machines Pinkie didn't recognize.

She looked around the room to see all of her friends, Twilight's parents, Shining Armor and Cadence. Spike was sitting over in the corner next to her bed with his arms wrapped around his legs. She then knew right then and there that this was really happening.

Upon her entrance Applejack had come over and embraced Pinkie in a hug.

"Ah'm so glad you're here." She said in a shaky voice. Pinkie only hugged back feeling tears beginning to run down her cheeks.

"W-what happened?" Pinkie asked almost choking on her sobs.

Rarity had walked up and put a hand on Applejack's shoulder. Applejack looked at her before sighing and looking back at Pinkie.

"Me, Twi, and Rares were on our way back to me and Rares place to pick out her outfit when some guy tried to mug us." Applejack said.

"He had a gun. He had taken both me and Rarity's jewelry and wallets. Then he went to take the necklace that you had gotten Twilight for her birthday." Applejack said while sniffling.

"She then started to fight him when he tried to take it by force. Then he shot her." Applejack said with a upset voice.

"The dude then panicked and ran away. Rarity dialed 911 and I checked on Twilight. He had shot her right in the stomach." Applejack said finishing the story.

"OMC. Is she gonna be alright?" Pinkie asked worriedly about to burst into tears again. Applejack only sighed and shook her head.

"She's not looking too good Pinks." She said.

Suddenly the door opened to reveal the doctor. He smiled softly before entering the room. He looked down at his clipboard before looking around the room. He sighed once before taking his glasses off.

"Well, I hate to say this but the results are not looking too great." He said with a upset face.

"Will she make it doctor?" Cadence asks as Shining wrapped a comforting arm around her.

He only sighed again before shaking his head. "I'm afraid not. There is just too much internal bleeding." He said while walking over to the machines to check everything.

He then began to unplug stuff. He then looked straight at Pinkie. "She doesn't have very long left. We did everything we could. I suggest you say your goodbyes now." He then turned and left the room.

Everyone began to burst into tears. Pinkie felt her heart heart shatter into a million pieces. This couldn't be happening. All her dreams of her and Twilight being together crushed.

One by one everyone went up to Twilight and said their goodbyes. Then it was Pinkie's turn. Everyone just watched quietly as Pinkie walked up to the bed.

"Twily?" She said softly. Hoping for a response. When she got none she sighed and sat down next to her.

"Oh Twilight. You don't even understand how sad I am. Here I was dreaming of having a life together with you. Getting married and having kids. I was looking forward to waking up to seeing your beautiful face every morning and growing old with you. Then you go and get yourself shot." Pinkie says while sobbing.

"You were always so brave and courageous. My knight in shining armor, always willing to give up everything for me." Pinkie says while smiling softly.

"Remeber how scared you were in 7th grade when I was gonna jump off your parent's roof into the pool and you began to freak out?" Pinkie asks with a big dumb smile on her face.

She then sighs as she remembers the situation. She looks back at Twilight. "Well, I'm rambling again. Anyways I just wanted to tell you one thing." Pinkie says trying not to break into tears again.

She looked around the room at everyone quickly before leaning over Twilight and giving her one last kiss.

"I love you." Pinkie Pie whispered hoarsely as she turned to leave.

Only to be stopped by hand grabbing her wrist.

"Pinkie?" Twilight whispered to her.

"Yes Twilight?!" Pinkie asked happy Twilight was still breathing.

"I have one last request." She said with a cough and sad look in her eyes.

"Yes my love?" Pinkie asked soothingly while brushing Twilight's hair out of face.

"Will you marry me?" She said while moving her hand to reveal a small velvet box.

Pinkie felt tears well up in her eyes as she opened it. There in the box was the the most amazing ring she had ever laid eyes on. It was a gold band with several small diamonds adorning it in the shape of cupcakes.

Pinkie couldn't hold back anymore she cried and cried. "Yes Twilight. I would love to marry you!" She sobbed knowing she would never get to.

Next thing she knew Twilight sat up without any hesitation and pulled Pinkie into a long, wonderful kiss. When they pulled apart Pinkie began laughing and smiling like crazy.

"Twilight you're okay! I can't believe it!" Pinkie said engulfing Twilight in a hug.

"Yeah. About that I was never actually dying." She said sheepishly while rubbing the back of her neck.

"What?!" Pinkie screamed causing Twilight to flinch.

"Yeah. It was all apart of my plan to propose to you. I faked it so I could ask you." She said while standing up.

Pinkie growled before getting in Twilight's face. "You are so sleeping on the couch tonight!" Pinkie said before storming off.

"What but why?" Twilight asked chasing after her.

Everyone only laughed and cheered. This really was one special Valentine's Day.
Phew this short is finally done. It actually was supposed to be posted a day after the 1st part but I kept having publishing issues so hopefully it's working now. Anyways I hoped you're enjoying the stories so far! Love you my ninja's!

~ Fireninja2003

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