The Wedding | Pt. 2

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In the early hours of the morning the sun had only just started to peek over the horizon. In a more expensive area in Crystal City on Amore Lane everything was peaceful. Except for one house.

At the very end of the street sat a big house about the size of a small mansion. The Sparkle residence, and inside one could hear a phone ringing for the seventh time within a span of five minutes. Upstairs at the end of the hall rustling and groans could be heard coming from inside the master bedroom.

About half a minute late a tall well built man with pale skin and several varying colors of blue hair peeked his head out of the room as if listening for something. When the phone downstairs rang again the man let out a long annoyed sigh before fully stepping out of the room to reveal a shirtless chest and boxers with little shields on them.

Grumbling he began downstairs. Once reaching the living room he looked murderous. "I swear if this is work calling I will have them on latrine duty for the rest of the month!" He whispered to himself threateningly.

Picking up the phone he answered with a gruff hello. A few seconds later he heard the familiar voice of his younger sister. Immediately after that his deamoner changed from furious to calm and loving.

"Shiny? Is that you? I know it's really early in the morning but I was wondering if you'd be able to help me with a situation over here." He heard Twilight say.

"Heh, it's no problem, I was getting up soon anyways. Now what's the situation Twily? It must be important for you to call so early." He responded kindly.

He heard a sigh on the other line before he heard movement. Half a minute later Twilight returned to the phone and explained the problem to her big brother. Quietly he listened intently and as his sister explained he could feel himself waking up more and becoming more alert. About an hour later Twilight finished explaining everything.

For a few minutes she heard nothing and worried that Shining Armor fell asleep before she heard a low sigh and growl escape her brother.

"Okay, first off when I get my hand on that son of a horse I will wring his little neck. Secondly me and Cadence will reserve a plane and be there in a few hours. Until then I want you to get some sleep, knowing you you haven't slept a wink and have been busy worrying for Rainbow Dash and have been doing everything in your power to help." Shining Armor said slowly and worriedly.

In response he heard a sigh before Twilight agreed and thanked him before saying goodbye and hanging up. After a few minutes Shining Armor called into work to explain. He then went upstairs to explain to his wife. No matter what he was going to do everything in his power to help Twilight and Rainbow Dash. Thunderlane was going to pay.
Hey my ninja's!
Sorry for the late and short part but trust me things are about to get heated let's not forget that Twilight's close to princess Celestia and Luna. Not to mention that she's super important as well. More things to come as well as more twists. Until then my ninja's.

~ Fireninja2003

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