Don't Get Caught

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  Pinkie Pie was running. Her chest ached and heaved with every step. But she couldn't stop, mustn't stop, no matter how badly she wanted to. She could hear the person pursuing her laugh maniacally as they quickly gained ground on her. Gasping she quickly veered to the right and proceeded to stumble through a thick bramble bush. The twisting branches scraped and marked her body with thin streaks of crimson as she fought against the ferocious underbrush. As soon as she made it through she began to run again, she cannot allow herself to be caught. She whipped her head around quickly before dashing forward spotting a massive oak tree that could cover her body easily. Slamming her back against the uneven bark she focused on steadying her breathing just as Twilight taught her.

  "In for five, out for five." She muttered to herself. As soon as she could breath again she listened intently to the forest around her.

  The animals all around her have gone silent, which is a sign that something is amiss, Fluttershy would kindly explain why whenever she asked. Thinking about what she remembered she could only deduce that it was because they could sense the growing danger. A nearby predator, and it definitely wasn't her. Just as she was going to peek around the side of the tree she heard heavy footsteps and gasping breaths as somebody else finished stumbling through the bramble bushes. Her eyes blew wide as she unconsciously covered her mouth, she knew it had a mind of its own. The footsteps grew closer to the tree she was behind making her heart a cross country envy what with how fast it was pounding. She could practically feel their hot breath bearing down their neck, it was over, she had nowhere else to run. Clenching her eyes shut, Pinkie thought of Twilight while waiting for the end.

  After a few moments of buildup and trembling anticipation Pinkie was given a miracle. The individual strode away heading towards the right side of the forest. Hearing the footsteps growing distant Pinkie let out a sigh of relief after a few minutes of pure silence. A few minutes after that the sounds of the forest began to fill the air once more telling Pinkie it was okay to move. Dashing off towards the left Pinkie ran until she spotted the clearing she was in before all this. Doubling down Pinkie pictured a finish line to urge her body to move faster.

  After a few minutes Pinkie finally broke free of the dense forest and into the large clearing. Gasping happily, Pinkie slowed to a halt until her body was stationary. Then she bowed down and grasped her knees for support as she caught her breath and thoughts. Next time Rainbow Dash and Applejack invite her to the gym she is accepting no excuses. She felt like she was on deaths doorstep for more than on reason. Successfully recovering Pinkie pulled her lazy body up and examined her surroundings she was back at the playground where she separated from the others. Forcing herself to wander closer to the play structure she spotted her hoodie from earlier.

  Reaching down she retrieved the fallen garment. Bringing it closer to her face for inspection she twisted it this way and that looking for the damage, it was only when she flipped it to the back that she saw it. A sizable jagged gash was noticeable where her shoulder blades would have been. Running her hands over the hole she reminisces about when Twilight had gotten it for her 21st birthday. It was a silly hot pink hoodie that had three balloons on the chest that Pinkie found adorable. She had looked at it longingly at the store during their weekly grocery run, she never even mentioned it to Twilight but lo and behold three weeks later there it was on their couch. Twilight looked so excited to see her happy. Sighing wistfully she brought it close to her chest the blood around the hole staining her shirt further.

  Pinkie was pulled out of her thoughts by a sudden surge of lightning coursing down her spine. Spinning around she scans the forest for anything amiss, she finds it in bushes shaking. Wasting no more time Pinkie slings the hoodie around her waist after fishing her car keys out of the pockets. Hoisting her body over the structure railing she takes off down the narrow rope bridge. She can hear the pounding feet growing closer. She then extends her hands to grab the bar above the slide to propel her forward faster than a bullet, shooting down the closed slide and onto the other side of the playground. Landing on her feet she doesn't need to recover before she is sprinting to the parking lot. Grasping the keys she presses the quickstart button so her car turns on before she gets there. The person is gaining on her quick the steps basically in sync with her own. She slams her body into the driver side and yanks the door practically off the hinges before clambering inside. She can barely hoist it closed and locked before another body collides with the solid metal. The figure pounds against the window harshly sending tremors throughout the entire vehicle and her soul. She jams the keys into the socket and throws the gear into reverse faster than she throws cakes in the oven. A second later she's peeling out of the lot and throwing up a not so friendly bird to her not so friendly friend and gone without any further problems.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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