The Wedding | Pt.4

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~2 Hours Later~

Twilight has always been the calm and collected person. Ever since she was a child. She's always thought about her words before saying them, she always considers what would be the most logical thing to do. So whenever Twilight actually got angry it was a surprise. Not that anyone was surprised this time.

The courtroom was dead silent as everyone filed back inside. The jury was whispering amongst themselves while they came back from the 2 hour recess the Judge had called. They seemed to be quite frustrated and worried. To Twilight and Shining Armour, this was a cause for concern. Shining Armour kept a neutral look, whilst his eyes held a fury unlike any other. He has come to think of Twilight's friends as family, and nobody hurts a Sparkle.

As the crowd of spectators began to take their seats Twilight noticed that the group had largened exponentially, there was so many people that several were forced to stand around the back walls and in between the pews. She felt a small ounce of hope grasp her heart. 'The more people the better, this just means more citizens witnessing what's happening.' She thought to herself. Today is going to mark a new page in history.

"Silence!" A loud voice commanded from the front of the room. The judge's eyes slowly scanned over each of the defendant's teams. Her eyes filled with distaste as they examined and glared at Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, who were holding onto each other tightly. She tsked and continued to glare at the girls before the jury coughed to gain her attention.

Her eyes flicked over to the jury who had chosen a woman to represent them. She cleared her throat and proceeded to speak, "Your honor, the jury has reached a decision." At this the judge raised an eyebrow before responding. "Alright what is the jury's decision then?" Her eyes gleaming with a dangerous excitement.

The jury just whispered amongst themselves as the woman narrowed her eyes at the judge. "We have come to the verdict that the defendent Thunderlane, is hereby guilty." As she uttered those words all hell broke loose. The judge became seething mad, her face contorting into one of rage. "WHAT?! How dare you? Don't you remember our deal?" She screamed at the lady.

As soon as she uttered those words the judge paled. She let out an audible gulp and quickly spun around to face the pews. As she looked upon the crowd she gave them a nervous smile and visibly began to sweat. Clearing her throat she let out a nervous laugh. "Well, isn't that a turn of events? I certainly--I m-mean we! We certainly weren't expecting that decision." The judge quickly stopped talking with a look of terror across her features.

Twilight didn't know what to make of the display she just witnessed. She was just glaring at the judge as the room remained silent. The first to speak up was Shining Armour. "So does that mean that my client is innocent? Case closed?" He asked with a raised brow. The judge face was now miming that of a dead fish, "Er- I suppose so...", she muttered ever so silently.

With the verdict now decided, Rainbow Dash realized that she was free, Thunderlane is going to jail. But even so, she still felt so afraid. What was the future going to hold? Will she even be able to raise a child? Rainbow was suddenly shook out of her thoughts as her friends surrounded her in a cheerful embrace. The courtroom had erupted in applause as Thunderlane was cuffed and ushered away by officers. For once everything felt perfect.

"We did it Dashie! He's going away for good! Aren't you over the moon ecstatic?!" Pinkie Pie shouted whilst jumping up and down. "Yeah, I wouldn't say ecstatic, more exhausted than anything. This whole ordeal has really drained all of my energy. At this point I just want to go home and sleep." Rainbow Dash responded. The girls gave her mixed reactions but they mainly understood, Rainbow Dash was going to need time and space to think.

"Do you want me to drive you Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy offered meekly. Dash was quick to deny her though, replying with a simple 'no thanks'. With that Rainbow turned tail and hurried out, covering her face from the flash of cameras and hundreds of reporters and journalists. Twilight just watched Rainbow Dash leave with a frown, hiding her underlying worry inside. She knew that this must all be very overwhelming for Rainbow Dash but still, she couldn't help but feel slightly at fault. Maybe she shouldn't have intervened as much as she did.

What if Rainbow Dash was upset with her? What if this whole situation ruined their friendship forever? What if the other girls leave her too? Would Pinkie Pie abandon her as well? Twilight was realizing how anxious the entire thing has gotten her and excused herself to get some air. Hurrying out Twilight didn't notice Fluttershy's eyes following her as she left. A frown now masked Fluttershy's face as she began to dwell on the recent events.

What happened to when they were all just hanging out and watching movies? Now their lives were getting so hectic that Fluttershy's head felt as if it was about to burst. Not to mention that she believes Rainbow is now angry with her. What will she do? They were supposed to go shopping this weekend for the wedding dresses and now she wasn't even sure if her and Rainbow Dash were still together.

With a sigh Fluttershy glanced over to her friends who all looked to be dwelling on the same issue. "Hey, Flutters." Applejack said whilst wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Don't you fret one bit, everythin' will sort itself out just fine. People are just a bit stressed with everythin' that's been goin' down. Just time an' support is all we can give em'." Applejack stated as she gave Fluttershy a comforting hug. "Just no matter what, we can't give up in em'. If we leave em' when they need us the most than things will only get worse. We just have ta be patient." Fluttershy smiled a bit at that. Maybe time is all they need. After all they've got all the time in the world right?

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