-Chapter Three-

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Another day.
Another jealous rampage.

Why did this new girl have to show up in the first place?! As my head ran wild, I grabbed my stuff and headed out to the bus stop.

I needed a stress relief, something fun and exciting! Hmm...
My parents are out of town, my house is empty, sounds like the perfect time for a PARTY! This is perfect! I will have a great time with Isaac and all my friends and rub it in that little brat's face!

I'm so excited! My day just turned completely around!! I better start planning asap!

...some time later...

Okay, time to invite some people. On the way to my form room I invited most of the people I saw, I'm friends with most people in this school. Yes, I know I'm just that lovable! I finally saw Isaac but as I came closer I saw that little witch standing waaayyyy to close to him!

"Heyyy Isaac, how are youuu?"

"I'm pretty good Serena, I was just talking to Jessic-"

"Yeah, that's great I just wanted to invite you to a party I'm having this weekend. It's gonna be huge! It's a costume party so wear something cute!" I said as I winked in his direction. I looked Jessica up and down and then looked back at Isaac.

"That sounds great baby!" I smiled at him and clung to his arm. "Hey Jessica, would you like to come?" He smiled at her, while she looked at me smiling innocently but I saw that devilish glint in her eyes.

"Only if that's okay with you," she looked in my direction.

I glared at her, "Jasmine was it? I don't think it would really be your scene. You know you're new, you don't know the social protocol, maybe it would be best if you skip this one out..."

"It's Jessica actually, and I would love to go, besides it looks like Isaac really wants me there." She looked me dead in the eyes touching Isaac's arm as she spoke.

"So it's settled we're all going, see you both there ladies." He brushed himself off and walked off to class. "Bye" he called out.

"Bye Isaac."
"Bye babe!"
We shouted back in unison.

"Babe? Really?" Her eyes darted back to me as she looked me up and down.

"Well he is my boyfriend!" I fired back.

"Oh? You're official? Weird... He never mentioned you. And he seemed pretty single to me, if you know what I mean!" She winked as a smug grin sprawled across her stupid face!

"Well trust me he's not! So don't even bother trying, not like you would get anywhere anyway!" I snapped. I was getting really angry now, how dare she!!

"Oh honey, I don't have to try." She giggled. "Anyway, it's been real but some of us have things we need to do. So toodles!" She called out, as she strutted away.

Great so she's hitting on my boyfriend and coming to my party! Fucking fantastic!

Looks like I better start planning the best revenge party ever!!

Sorry I'm so shit, I legit keep doing this but I just loose interest in writing but idk ik this is a short one but I just wanna ease myself back into it, so favourite it, do what ya like, tell me what ya think. Loves ya byyeee ✌

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