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the next morning jimin woke up, groaning, turning off his alarm. today he had an early shift, requiring him to wake up at six and be at work by eight. the silver haired boy let out a tired huff as he hauled himself to sit up in his bed, scratching his head. he hadn't had the best sleep last night, and it was quite obvious why. he was filled with guilt for his decision, but it was made and what was done is done. jimin decided he shouldn't dwell on it, and be happy with jungkook. 

after spending ten minutes just tiredly staring at his wall, the elder got showered and dressed, fixed his name tag and hair, before making breakfast, eating it, and leaving to go to work. jimin knew jungkook would be up for work in about an hour, and they'd arrive home at similar times. jimin hopped into his car, drove to the shopping centre and within the hour had began to work. 

the boy did what he did every day; fix the shelves, restock stuff, take in deliveries, and help customers. when his break came around, he decided not to visit taehyung for obvious reasons, and went to the food court, ordering some fries and a milkshake to tame his hunger. the entire time he just stayed on his phone. it's not as if jimin doesn't have work friends, he has a good few, they just weren't working that day and the only one who was was busy at lunch cleaning up a mess that had been made, which made jimin feel quite lonely. jimin sighed as he locked his phone and went to put his rubbish in the bin with his tray. when he arrived at the bin, he noticed a familiar face stood beside him, yoongi.

"hey." jimin smiled weakly. yoongi smiled softly back for a moment, before turning to leave.

"is, is taehyung okay?" jimin suddenly asked. he figure yoongi knew.

"i dunno, he's not working today." yoongi said softly. by the tone of his voice, jimin knew he knew.

"oh, right." jimin nodded and yoongi smiled weakly before walking away. jimin didn't know why he felt so terrible.

for the rest of the day, jimin tried to push the guilt out of his mind, but he just couldn't, he didn't even know why. obviously he knew he had hurt the boy, but he didn't see why he couldn't get over it. in work it was even more overwhelming, every time he saw the department store logo on the large sign at the front of the shopping centre on the shop list, he just felt bad.

soon enough jimin was done his shift and he left to go home. he had just worked a ten hour shift, so it was currently six in the evening. the short boy drove home, went up the stairs, into his apartment and into his room to change from work clothes to normal clothes. he had gotten in before jungkook, so he also took a shower so the younger wouldn't have to come home to him smelling bad from a day's work. 

about a half hour after jimin showered, at around a quarter past seven, jungkook arrived home. jimin was sitting on the couch and he smiled at jungkook in his cute uniform.

"hey." jungkook smiled as he plopped down beside the silver haired boy. jimin smiled over at the raven haired boy and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"how was your day?" jimin asked.

"it was alright, mostly boring, just serving tables." jungkook sighed. jimin nodded, happy to hear the boy didn't have a bad day. 

"do you wanna order food? i'm too tired to cook." jimin asked as he stood up and grabbed the leaflets from the counter. jungkook followed him, wrapping his arms around jimin's torso.

"if you're too tired to cook, then maybe you'll be too tired to do other stuff." jimin could hear the pout in the younger's voice.

"i mean, i'm not that tired." jimin joked as he put the leaflets on the counter. 

"hmm, that's good." jungkook began to kiss the elder's neck, jimin letting out a few gasps. this is what he had always wanted, and he was being handed it on a silver plate.

jungkook soon led the two to his room, jimin not objecting this time. jimin opened the door while jungkook's lips stayed attached to the elder's neck, trying to leave some form of hickey. the two made their way to the bed, lips soon re attaching to each other's. jungkook's kisses were hurried and rushed, as if he just wanted to get down to business. jimin tried to savour the kisses, but jungkook quickly went back to kissing the elder's neck, tugging on his shirt which he then effortlessly took off. the younger then took off his own shirt, their bare torsos connecting. jungkook began to grind on the elder, jimin trying to take in every motion but the younger was just moving on as quickly.

"slow down, what's the rush?" jimin whispered into the younger's ears.

"i just.. want you." jungkook whispered seductively, sending small shivers down the elder's spine. he then got to work, feeling up jimin's chest, continuously kissing all around until he hit an almost gone hickey, sucking on the spot. jimin's weak spot.

the spot taehyung had managed to find within seconds

the spot taehyung kissed with care

 jimin shook his head lightly to get rid of his stupid mind's thoughts. jimin moaned as jungkook sucked on the sensitive spot for a moment, suddenly pulling at the elder's jeans. this was it, this is what jimin has waited for since he had met the boy, what he had wished for. so why did he stop it?

jimin suddenly got up, pulling the younger from him. the younger stared in confusion, looking up at the shirtless boy.

"i'm sorry, i just can't tonight." jimin apologised as he grabbed his shirt and left the room. jungkook suddenly stood up and followed him quickly.

"what the hell." jungkook stopped jimin outside his room.

"what?" jimin suddenly asked.

"you can't just get me all worked up like this." jungkook pouted as he placed his arms around the younger's neck.

"i'm sorry." jimin sighed as he kissed the younger on the lips.

"sorry isn't good enough." jungkook smirked, pulling the shirtless boy back towards his room by his belt.

"jungkook seriously not tonight." jimin suddenly pulled away.

"why?" jungkook asked, he seemed irritated now.

"i just broke up with taehyung." jimin said.

"yeah, but you dumped him for me." jungkook replied.

"that still doesn't mean i don't feel bad." 

"i know, but i didn't think you'd still be so sad over it." 

"well, i am." jimin sighed before walking into his room and shutting the door. he let out a frustrated groan as he flopped on his bed. 

he had the perfect chance to have sex with jungkook, why didn't he take it? why did he just suddenly not feel in the mood. it wasn't like there was anything wrong with jungkook, he was an amazing kisser and not to mention he had found jimin's sweet spot, but jimin just couldn't. he was able to have sex with taehyung, a complete stranger at the time, no problem, but now he couldn't bring himself to have sex with his two year crush. jimin decided it had to be the guilt, and the only way to help take some of it away would to be to meet taehyung in person and say sorry.

that night, jimin set his alarm for another early shift, falling asleep early again, but this time actually having a decent sleep.


i know jikook isn't a supported ship in this, but should it be top kook/jimin? or switch?  idek myself so which would y'all prefer?

also thanks so much for 1k reads ily ily ily and i promise the story gets better ( :

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