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jimin woke up to light snores and some light hitting his face. confused and in a sleepy state, he rolled over to grab his phone, only to realise he couldn't move. jimin panicked for a brief moment, before remembering where he was and who he was with. jimin looked up and to his left, and let out a small breath when he saw taehyung's sleeping face. jimin carefully looked around, not wanting to wake the boy of whom's embrace he was in. everyone was asleep, as far as jimin could see. he just saw a lump of bodies on the floor, which he had to assume were his friends.

jimin smiled when he thought back to the events of last night. he remembered the kisses taehyung and himself had shared by the butterfly trees, and how magical the whole thing felt. looking under the sheets, jimin noticed how their legs were entangled, and he was pressed up against taehyung's chest while the latter was curled up into jimin, while the elder's head rested on his forearm. it just felt right.

the boy sighed in content, this is what he wanted, forever. being in taehyung's embrace like this for one night felt more right than all of those nights sleeping next to jungkook. jimin felt at peace, like he could lie there forever. until he saw one of the lumps on the floor sit up. of course, it had to be yoongi. 

"cuties." yoongi whispered as he got his phone out. jimin put a hand out in front of his face to block it, signalling for yoongi not to take a picture. 

"fine." yoongi huffed, "i have more anyways from earlier. i sent them to you. you're welcome." yoongi winked. jimin shuffled awkwardly, leaving the warmth of taehyung's body as he stood up, walking over to yoongi. 

"how long have you been awake?" jimin yawned, whispering quietly as to not wake the others.

"long enough to hear you and tae sneak out last night and to see you guys curled up to each other this morning." yoongi smirked.

"you were up all night?" jimin whispered.

"nah, i got a few hours sleep, but i'm more of a night owl, so i'll catch up later today. i'm the king of power naps." yoongi winked. jimin laughed quietly, but blushing at the whole situation.

"could you not tell anyone else for now? things are just starting to look up and i still have to sort out some things back in seoul, i don't need this public." jimin pleaded. yoongi hesitated for a moment, before sighing.

"i get it. but by things, you mean jungkook right? please break up with him for real." yoongi replied. jimin lowered his head, feeling some form of shame. all of his realisations from last night came back into his mind.

"i decided yesterday what i want. me and kookie aren't together anymore." jimin replied with a hint of disappointment in his voice. it felt weird to say that, after all he was letting go of his first real love. 

"right. also, just to let you know," yoongi toned down his whispering even more, placing himself closer to jimin's ear so he could hear. "i know you and tae never really dated. when you left to get your stuff yesterday i got really confused and hoseok told me. please don't get angry at him, though." yoongi pulled his face away from jimin's ear, looking for some kind of reaction. 

"oh. i'm sorry." jimin said, feeling embarrassed yoongi knew he had lied to him. 

"don't be, i get it." yoongi smiled. afterwards, he picked up a pillow, and smacked it against hoseok's head.

"fucking hell." hoseok groaned as he rubbed his pillow-attacked face. 

"morning sunshine." yoongi smiled innocently. hoseok laughed, which in turn made seokjin stir. yoongi hopped down on top of hoseok, straddling the boy's stomach before pressing a quick kiss to the boy's forehead. when yoongi wanted to be, he could be a real cutie.

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