Chapter 11- Stars

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"Holy shit, Jade, are you okay?"

"Could be better," I respond, gritting my teeth as pain flares.

"Karn, bring her in." Steve walks in, allowing Karn to pass him before he closes the door. Karn sets me on one of the couches inside, joining me on the same couch. Steve sits opposite us, concern whirling in the air. "What the hell happened to you two?"

"It's a long story, so I'll give you the short version. This one and Cole decided it would be a good idea to go to the End and see if the Dragon knew anything. They were attacked by Tristan, who I thought to be dead, but he drugged Cole with something. It had this weird affect on him, turned his eyes pink. He was under Tristan's control and Jade tried to defend herself against him, but didn't want to hurt him. She got badly hurt, Zee called me in. I grabbed Jade and took her to a village where a very lovely lady helped patch her up."

"Jade's fighting off an infection right now and we have the medicine for her, but Cole's tracking us, he knows where we'll go. He's probably already gone to their old house, here is probably next."

"That's quite the shit show you got there," Steve comments, his eyes scanning over the bandages wrapped around me. "Why haven't you gone back to the Nether? Brine's probably shitting himself."

"The portal was destroyed. You wouldn't happen to know about that, would you?" Karn eyes him accusingly.

Steve shakes his head, his eyes wide. "No, I thought the portal was fine still."

"Well, someone's destroyed it, the frame's been damaged."

"Shit." Steve stands and sighs, walking over to the kitchen bench and leans on the bench. "You two want something to drink?"

"I'll take a coffee, Jade?"

"Can I just get a water?"

"'Course girly," Steve replies, winking at me. A smile spreads over my face at the familiarity of this. Steve puts the kettle on, the sound of the water boiling calming my nerves. He takes a few cups out of the cupboard and fills one with water, walking back over and handing it to me. I take a tentative sip, the water cooling me down; never even realised I was hot.

Steve sits back down on the chair across from me again, his eyebrows knitted together. "You guys can stay here, Karn there's a spare room upstairs, and Jade, you can stay in your old room." I nod to him and swing my legs onto the floor, biting back a whimper from the pain shooting through my body. Karn and Steve watch me attempt to stand, and I lean on one foot. I put the other foot down but instantly collapse back on the couch as a cry tears through my lips. My ankle screams in pain as I hold it, tears sliding down my face.

"Jade!" Karn and Steve cry in unison, rushing over. I grind my teeth as searing pain winds up my leg.

"Are you okay?" Steve questions.

"How about I just take you up there?" Karn offers. I nod to him and he hooks his arms under my legs and back, easily lifting me off the couch. He carries me up the stairs, careful not to jolt me around too much. He stops on the landing and looks around at the doors, confused on which one to enter. I point to my room; I couldn't forget it if I tried. Steve rushes up and opens the door for Karn. Karn walks in and gently sets me on the bed, my eyes roaming around the room that I had lived in for not very long. Sunlight filters in through the window, bathing the room in a soft light.

Steve follows us in and sets the water on the bedside table then sits on the foot of my bed. Karn pulls a chair up to sit next to my head. I lay back into the soft mattress, the warmth lulling me into a nap. "Rest well, Jade."

Secrets of Legends - Book 2 Daughter of a Monster SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now