Chapter 31- Swords Part II

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Brine's PoV

My sword connects with another warrior, striking them right in between their armour and sending them to the ground. I've been trying to contact Jade over our link but I can't reach her, and it's driving me crazy. My magic can't feel her's anywhere around us either, unlike Cole and Karn who we can feel very distinctly. I run forward, jumping over a few bodies before I spot her. Blood runs down her face and is soaked into different parts of her pants where the armour doesn't cover, and her feet are slightly dragging as she walks, her sword almost looking too heavy for her body. A little spider sits on her shoulder.

I watch as she collapses to the ground, the little spider jumping on her, pushing her to wake up. I race forward but am quickly blocked by someone else, who I hack through. I run across the blood coated floors until I'm sliding over to her. She lies in blood, the spider sitting on her stomach. It hisses at me and my magic pours forward, the baby spider shrinking away but still holding its ground. I sigh and look over her. I still can't feel her magic, at all. It's worrying, to say the least.

To be honest, I'm freaking the hell out, but I need to stay calm. I need to figure out what's wrong with her. I pull the armoured padding off, letting me see where she got hurt. Blood stains most of the material of her shorts and I can see where she was cut, on both legs. Shit shit shit.

Hastily, I rip her chest plate off and am able to see a deep gash right where the gap in her armour is. Other random cuts litter her arms, but she's bleeding heavily through the main ones. She probably passed out from blood loss. My magic rushes forward, trying to heal up the bleeding wounds, and I'm able to stop the bleeding, but they stay open. Assholes probably coated their swords in Imorphia. I carefully pick her up, cradling her in my arms with the spider sitting on top of her still. "Stay in there, baby girl. Hang on," I whisper to her. Most of the guards are either dead or knocked out, lying around the area. Cole is leaning over Liam, magic buzzing around the two of them with Gaby and Steve nowhere to be seen. Tara sits next to Liam as well, worry clear on her face.  I can hear growling coming from in the room; Karn's snarls.

I carry Jade over to Cole and Tara, his magic flowing around Liam who is leant up against a wall, breathing heavily with blood dripping from his nose and a good gash up his side. His chestplate isn't on him. Someone must've gotten it off him. Cole continues to work at the gash, obviously struggling with it. I set Jade down and replace Cole, magic rushing forward. I attempt at healing it but am only able to heal it enough so that he's not bleeding out through it. Same as Jade.

"Shit, is she okay?!" Tara exclaims, rushing around to Jade and assessing her quickly.

"She'll heal," I tell them, muttering a 'hopefully' under my breath. I can't lose my daughter through all of this as well. Not again. "Cole, stay here with Liam and Jade, Tara, you're with me."

"Like hell I'm staying!" Cole argues. He unsheathes his sword from his back; Notch's sword. The sight of it shocks me slightly but I shake it off. "I'm coming with you."


"He was my father too, or have you forgotten?" he snarls so lowly it doesn't sound like Cole. I look away guiltily.

"I know he was, Cole."

"Then let me help," he almost pleads.

"Brine, let him help, I can look after these two," Tara interjects. I nod to her and turn back to Cole, the boy being taller than me. Asshole.

"Alright, come on then." I jog away and over to the door that's hanging off it's hinges. I step into the room to see Karn snarling, fangs elongated and claws out, along with Steve who holds his sword and Gaby who has a new sword too. Her mum's sword.

Secrets of Legends - Book 2 Daughter of a Monster SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now