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losingjams247: You look amazing

losingjams247: Can I eat your face?

sugaswag93: wtf get help

losingjams247: .... if I get help can my help also eat your face with me?

sugaswag93: okay first of all wtf. Second of all, who tf are you? I don't even know you wtf

losingjams247: I'm just a guy who thinks you are highly attractive and that you're amazing (:

sugaswag93: um---- you have problems if you think I'm attractive get your eyes checked

losingjams247: I may have a horrible vision but if you were my vision you'd be a 20/20 vision

sugaswag93: n o

losingjams247: y e s

sugaswag93: I'm going out bye

losingjams247: bye I love you ❤️

Yoongi closed his phone and put it in his pocket. He shuddered reading the last message, "I love you". Those words kept on replaying over and over in his head. "Who would love a person like me?" Yoongi mumbled those words.

Namjoon heard Yoongi say something. "Did you say something?" Yoongi snapped his head at Namjoon's direction. "I didn't say anything--- I was just humming a song--"

"Uh huh and what song was that? Can you sing it?" Namjoon raised a brow.

Yoongi panicked and sang the lyrics to the first song that came to his mind.

"Uh huh, listen boy. My first love story" Yoongi tried to perfect his english pronunciation. While Namjoon on the other hand was trying not to laugh in a middle of a lesson. "Okay nevermind then---" Yoongi continued on his classes and still wondering if that mysterious guy actually loved him or just said it to play a joke.


Yoongi headed home and his phone vibrated all of a sudden. He opened his phone and checked the message.


sugaswag93: It's so cheesy---

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sugaswag93: It's so cheesy---

losingjams247: ......

sugaswag93: why am I even laughing at it I don't understand

losingjams247: I made you laugh?

sugaswag93: yes you ass I look like a dumbass randomly laughing at my screen in the bus

losingjams247: I MADE YOU LAUGH
losingjams247: IM HAPPY :DDD

sugaswag93: who are you tho?

losingjams247 | Yoonmin texting ffWhere stories live. Discover now