Boring Days

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Franks POV

I'm in high school, I'm unpopular, and bi. There could not be more of a disadvantage towards me. There are only two close friends of mine, Lillian and Alex. We've been together since fourth grade because nobody liked us that much. So our little group of misfits formed. We listen to music, go to movies, and scout out possible boyfriends for each other. Meaning we do almost everything together. Today, being the first day for three of us being juniors, we were all in a bad mood. Alex unsurprisingly did not show at the time we planned to meet at a little coffee shop. When she did Lilly made fun of her for it.

"Must you always be late?" Lilly asked.

"Well, I'm sorry my car is a piece of crap and doesn't like to start." She rolled her eyes

"Excuses, excuses."

I listened quietly not quite sure how to cut in or interject. They argued back and forth for about five minutes before deciding being late on the first day probably wasn't smart, so we left and met at school. I don't know how, but we made it with ten minutes to spare, so we sat outside and made fun of the stupid seniors that thought they were hot shit. If you sat there you were able to pinpoint the freshman, but there were two people who caught my attention. They didn't look like freshman. The taller one had bright red hair, definitely dyed, and the shorter one, by about an inch, was blond with dark roots.

"Do you see those guys? Are they new?" I asked my two friends.

"Yeah, I think so," Alex said.

"They're kind of cute. Do you like the blonde or the ginger?" Lilly had to add.

"I don't know I'd have to get a closer look," I stated.

Soon the bell rang signaling us to go to our first class, which I had by myself. I followed the two boys in. The blonde one went into a sophomore class. It made sense, he was a little shorter. The redhead went into the class I was going to. I think it is safe to assume they were brothers, they looked so similar. I followed him in. He made a smart decision by sitting towards the middle. Four over, three back. I sat in front him because it was one of the few seats left and he was taller than me. I'm really short in general. We were in geometry, fun. When the teacher walked in and started talking I started eating skittles, my favorite candy.

"Mr.Iero are you eating skittles in my class, again?" Ms. Myers, the teacher, asked me.

"Yes, I am," I answered not at all affected by her taking notice of the fact I was breaking a rule I had repeatedly broken and will still keep breaking.

"Can you save them for later, sweetie?" She requested trying not to give me a detention on the first day.

"I'll try just for you, sweetie." The words hung in the air. I knew she wouldn't start handing out detentions till tomorrow, so it didn't matter.

The classroom remained silent till she took a breath and said, "Okay, let's continue."

There were going to be some boring skittle filled days ahead of me, I knew it. Every once and a while I'd sigh just loud enough for her to hear or drop the coin in my pocket on my desk. That was slightly entertaining for me and the rest of the class until it finally ended. I left and went to my locker forgetting about the two new kids until I got there. The redhead's locker was next to mine didn't surprise me, we have the same first period. Not paying attention I grabbed another bag of skittles and a book, closed my locker, and ran right into the kid next to me. He dropped everything he had and so did I.

"Oh, sorry," I said reluctantly.

We both bent over to grab our things. This was the first time I got a good look at him. He was actually quite attractive. Hazel eyes, a light complexion, and a strong jaw.

"I'm Frank," I stated in a slight trance.

He looked up at me "Gerard."

By then the bell rang and we finished grabbing our stuff. "I'll see you around, I guess."

"Yeah, see ya," Gerard said back before leaving.


Author: I really don't know that much about wattpad yet and it's 2 a.m so please excuse me if I seem like a newb. I'd like to note that the relationship between Gee and Frank will take off soon, so don't worry if you're reading this. Also Ray will appear later on. Thanks for reading chapter 1 of my story :)

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