No I love you

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Frank's POV

When I woke up I stared at the ceiling for a few seconds then realized that I was not in my bedroom. I looked around and honestly, it's not that far off from my room. I turned over to see another body next to me, Gerard. I was tipsy last night so I don't remember everything, but what I do remember was amazing. Looking at him one more time as I got up I noticed that the blanket came back I saw his ass. Nodding in approval I put my clothes on and went out to my car and got the clothes I left in there for today. I found a bathroom on the main floor and changed. When I walked out I realized my phone was still upstairs. I went into Gerard's room as quietly as possible and checked the time. Five thirty, yep that looks right. Usually, I get up early to do everything I have to in the morning. I was just going to go downstairs and wait on the couch for Gerard and Mikey to wake up, but then I heard a door open and close. There were a woman and man's voice.

I racked my brain to think of what was going on, "Oh shit!" It's their parents.

"What's oh shit?" Gerard asked me rubbing his eyes. He then also heard the voices, "God fucking dammit!"

He grabbed a pair of boxers, put them on, and ran out of the room. He brought back Mikey.

"Why are mom and dad back already?" He asked his little brother.

"I don't know. Aren't they supposed to be home next week?" He answered.

"Yes! What the f-" Gerard got cut off.

"Boys, are you awake?" The woman called coming up the stairs.

All of a sudden Mikey and Gerard pushed me into the closet and locked the door. Ironic.

"Yeah, you guys woke us both up," Mikey called back.

The door opened and a woman with dark hair walked in. I could see through the shutters, barely.

"Why are you both in here?" She asked them.

"We thought you were burglars," Gerard blatantly lied.

"I doubt that, but I don't really care," harsh, "so do whatever you want as long as you aren't hooking up with any guys. That would be weird."

I saw Gerard's face change from nervous to sad in that instance, "Okay." That was all he said. Not going to lie, that hurt a little.

"Your father and I leave in an hour for the Bahamas." She smiled at them and pretty much slammed the door closed, but then reopened it a few seconds later, "one of you left your clothes on the couch." I face palmed so hard I could have broken my nose.

When she was all the way downstairs, Gerard ran over and let me out, "I hate her."

I was shocked at his honesty, although there wasn't to much room to lie about anymore. We waited for them to leave in Gerard's room. When they came upstairs I hid in the closet again.

The man, who had much kinder eyes, said, "Bye, Gee. Bye, Mikey, we'll miss you two." No I love you.

Their mother talked next. "Yes, we will see you in four months, since we are going to multiple countries. So, goodbye boys." No I love you.

"Bye, mom. Bye, dad." Mikey said. No I love you.

"Bye guys." Gerard finished. No I love you.

They left, the bedroom door closed, the front door closed, the car drove away to an airport, and no one had even started to say I love you. When I was let out again I remained silent and walked downstairs to grab my clothes.

Gerard chased me down, "what's wrong?"

"No one said I l-"

Mikey cut me off, "the last time those words were said in this house was about ten years ago."

That means Mikey was five and Gerard was six if I was correct.

"It doesn't matter though," Mikey said in a sad tone.

They both walked into their personal bedrooms. Gerard came down stairs within five minutes and sat next to me on their couch. I looked up at him from my phone and smiled.

"I bet you hear it a lot."

I looked at him and asked, "what?"

"Love." The worst part about all of this was he and his brother seemed scared of the word.

"It's hard to when you live on your own," I answered.

"You live by yourself?" His face changed from a calm expression to a worried one.

"Yeah, my parents died in a car accident two years ago." He looked really sad so I decided to change the subject. "Gee?"

"Yep, that's my nickname," he said with a slight smirk. "You can call me it if you want."

"Oh, I plan on it."

We were both smiling at each other when Mikey pranced down the stairs now fully clothed. I did slip a picture of him in his boxers that I texted to Lilly and Alex though. Of course, while shit was lost and can'ting was literal, I had fun watching them argue over who would ask him out. The morning with them was nice. They were both really laid back so it was fun. I have one thing left to wonder though. Are Gee and I dating now?


This chapter is the longest so far. It didn't take longer because of that though. Writer's block is a bitch. Another sucky chapter for the world is here now. I hope you are enjoying th story. Thanks for reading chapter 4 :)

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