cook with empty hands and you get an empty stomach
↝ sources
heyoo welcome back! i figured i should update, even though it's nearing seven pm soon and i'm hungrier than the female protagonist in bad boy stories.
alright so basically i'll be listing my favourite and most useful sources (or shall i say sauces c;) basically apps/websites where you can get everything you need and more
before we start, let me start off saying, please check that you are not 100mb away from your storage maximum bc trust, that 100mb is gonna vanish faster than my future.
+ wattpad
app or website ; both
price ; free
rating ; 91%
notes ; yeah, you heard that right. right here, right now, is a good place to hoard up some resauces (ayyyye c; i should probably stop lmaoo). where, you may ask? where in all the millions of random stories can you find worthwhile resources and not a bunch of lemons?
in books like these *points to self* which are cover/graphic tips and tutorials can also include textures, filters, pngs and loads more of cool stuff! if you guys want, i can also post some of my favourite stuff here c; if you ask nicely and say pleasey XD (jk just say the word and i'll look through my shelves)
+ picsart
app or website ; app
price ; free
rating ; 72%
notes ; you may remember that picsart was also an editing app which was featured in the last chapter (or you may not, bc i'm hella slow at updating and bc you may or may not have the memory of a goldfish *fishy high five*) but there are loads of fun contests you can take part in there and some or most of them will give you prompts such as 'y'all have to edit *insert tumblr picture*' so bonus you get high-res images and they also have some neat (but often not free ;-;) stickers and also light beams oh my god i'll end this now since this is getting too long (like yer carrots) but HOWEVER, last thing but not all of them are very ideal and most of them are stuff you can not use multiple times.
+ polarr
app or website ; app
price ; free
rating ; 89.99% (#marketinghacks)
notes ; have you dozed off already? if you have, don't worry i have too and i'm gonna keep these 'notes' short as i can. you might know that you can make and load custom filters into polarr bUT there are plenty of default, pre-installed filters are pretty neat as well. they got good range too, but most of them are pretty light so they do help your graphics blend in more but not very noticeably.

recipe for disaster ; graphic tips/tutorials.
Saggistica❝ CREATIVITY BLEEDS FROM THE PEN OF INSPIRATION ❞ a cookbook of zoe's top secret recipes ↝ warning ; severely untested recipes, may result in explosions, serious injuries or death ↝ disclaimer ; in no way am i saying i am the gordon ram...