for a work of art, all you need is creativity, inspiration and patience.
and about a dozen more programs and apps.
↝ apps
okay, in the last chapter, i said this book was mainly photoshop and pixlr (website) tutorials/tips and possibly mobile tutorials
about the mobile part, ahaha no
i was running out of storage on my phone and so in a desperate bid to stay alive, i deleted all of my graphic resources and all of my editing apps.
it's fine, i already converted all of my resources onto my laptop since i've moved on from mobile designing to designing on photoshop (previously pixlr editor).
please don't say something like "ummmm wtf just re-download all 7234391232023 apps and textures no biggie" bc yes it is a huge biggie
i don't have storage and phonto, my all-time favourite text-adding app, requires you to completely re-install your fonts after you deleted it. seeing as i have 200+, that would be a lot of work
and i hate work
long story short, sorry for any inconvenience but for now there won't be many (or any at all) mobile tutorials bc i'm lazy and bc my phone would explode from the mass downloads
however, i will include my top few recommendations for those who are looking to find suitable mobile apps. don't worry, when i first started i downloaded literally 30 different editing apps and tried them out individually before deleting more than 20.
+ superimpose
price ; $0.99 AUD
rating ; 90%
notes ; sure, okay, this might cost a pretty penny but is definitely worth it. despite not being able to work with layers, this app has amazing masking abilities and also can apply adjustments such as hue, saturation and also includes a few filter effects. it also has really cool layer effects like different types of blurring, perspective and loads of others.
+ picsart
price ; free
rating ; 82%
notes ; great substitute for superimpose and includes many many many amazing filter effects. also includes stickers (some of which are not free and require a couple dollars or so) and can also add some really cool extras such as light flares, frames and also has different kinds of brushes which allow you to draw on a canvas as well and not just working with stock images.
+ phonto
price ; free
rating ; 94%
notes ; must have for adding text to your covers. you can download your own fonts from or choose from a range of default ones (not recommended though). you can also play around with the text and changing colours, adding gradient colours, manage the spacing in between the letters and even curl your text into a circle if you want. also includes a few light filter colourings.

recipe for disaster ; graphic tips/tutorials.
Non-Fiction❝ CREATIVITY BLEEDS FROM THE PEN OF INSPIRATION ❞ a cookbook of zoe's top secret recipes ↝ warning ; severely untested recipes, may result in explosions, serious injuries or death ↝ disclaimer ; in no way am i saying i am the gordon ram...