Uh Oh Part 3

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Marks POV

I was lying down on my bed when I heard the door open downstairs and heard Jennys voice calling for me.
"I'm in the bedroom Jenny." I shouted to Jenny, who must of heard me as she started to come upstairs and walk into the bedroom.
"Hey Mark how are you doing?" She asked me.
"Well I am in a whole lot of pain and I have been having contractions about every 2 - 3 minutes and they seem to be getting stronger."I said.

Suddenly, I got a really painful contraction and bit down on my lip. Jenny was watching what was going on and she let me grab her hand squeeze it as hard as I could. She started to make faces at we like she was in pain.

After the contraction had passed, I let go of her hand and as soon as I let go she started to get the feeling back in her hand.

I started to smile at her shaking her had to be able to feel her hand again.
"Sorry, I don't know my own strength and I'm sorry for hurting you."I apologised.
"No don't worry about it. I'll be fine. You just squeezed it really hard and it hurt but don't worry." She said to me smiling.

I chuckled and looked down at my bump, thinking that the babies were going to be here soon.
"Mark, can you please take of your shorts and boxers so I can see how dilated you are." She sweetly asked me.

I was really self conscious but it was the best thing for me to do so I pulled down my boxers and my pants and got on all fours so she could see how far dilated I was.
I felt her slightly put her finger in my ass to judge where the Babies were and so she can find out how dilated I was.

Soon after, I started to very strong contractions and she said that the babies were going to be here soon as as I was 7cm dilated and wasn't far away from being able to push.

I was grabbing Jenny's hand to help with the contractions when I heard a door open downstairs and heard footsteps speeding up the stairs and someone opened the door.

Sean walked into the room and sat down and took my hand and kissed my cheek.
"Hi baby, just keep breathing and squeeze my hand when you need to OK?" He said in a soft, calming voice. I nodded and kept breathing like he told me to.
"How far apart his contractions, Jenny?" He asked Jenny.
"His contractions are about 1-2 minutes apart and he is now 8cm dilated so it is not long now to you two get to meet your babies." She smiled.
"Mark, I have ran you a bath you can get into. Do you want to get in it?" I nodded my head as Sean swept my hair out of my face.

Jenny nodded and both Sean and Jenny helped me up off the bed and lead me to the bathroom which was not that far away. When we go to the bathroom, the bath was ready so I took my shirt off, not worrying that I was completely naked and both Sean and Jenny helped me get into the bath and helped me sit back.

When I got into the bath, I immediately relaxed and laid back when I heard Jenny faintly say that Sean could get in with me which I agreed to. I sat forward a bit and felt Sean get in behind me and lay me back on his chest.

I went to relax when I felt the strongest contraction which caused me a lot of pain so I screamed out in sheer pain and violently grabbed Sean's hand and squeezed it as hard as I could.

Jenny was in the bedroom and when she heard me screaming, she rushed back into see what was wrong and Sean told her that I had a really strong contraction which caused me pain.

She said to get me out of the bath and Sean did while she ran into the bedroom to get some things that she needed and she came back in the room with all the things she needed and a birthing ball.

"Right Mark, you are fully dilated and what I want you to do is to go on your knees and lean over the ball and Sean can sit in front of you OK?" She said, handing me a towel and I took the towel and nodded at her while I got down on my knees, leaning over the birthing ball.

She placed herself down by my ass and placed a towel down by my feet.
"Right Mark, I want you to push like your doing a poo and take breaks to breathe every now and then OK? She said.
I firmly nodded my head and grabbed Sean's hand and started to push as hard as I could. It felt like my insides were falling out it was that bad.

I was pushing as hard as I could when I felt something go down and yelped in pain. Jenny said that it was only the baby moving down and that I needed to push hard.

I listened to what she said and pushed really hard while squeezing Sean's hand and screaming as loud as I could.

I soon felt come out of my ass which Jenny said was the head of the baby and to just keep pushing like I had been...
About an hour later, both the babies had been born with a lot of pushing and a lot of screaming.

I gave birth to a little boy called Timothy Edward Fischbach and a little girl named Samantha Jade Fischbach. We decided it was a good idea to give the babies my last name as Sean would change his last name to mine when we get married.

This was the most amazing day of our life and we felt like our life was complete and we didn't need anything else...

The End

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