Unknown phone call

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Harry let go of her hand he grabed her waist pulling her in for a kiss Rose heart was pounding "what should I do! I can't kiss this freak". Daisy pushed Harry hard he stumble backwards with a frown on his face "dude even tho your cute you dont kiss my friend when ever you deiced to! she doesn't even know you so back off hot stuff" she put her hands on her waist. Harry smiled " oh is that so flat chest!" Daisy twitched her nose slightly "Oh its on!" Daisy was ready to attack Harry but Rose hold ed her back "calm down fisty pants" Daisy took a breather her face was still red. Harry walked off laughing "good bye ladies" he called. Rose let go of Daisy "can you believe him!" Daisy yelled Rose was ready to speak until she got phone call "who is it" Daisy looked over Rose shoulder "I don't know" Rose shudder she pressed the declined button and went back to class. Rose entered her first class she looked around the room for any friendly faces but none were there everyone stared at Rose while laughing. "Ms.Rose your late for class" Rose looked up in confusion "not trying to be rude Ms. but how do you know my name" the teacher rolled her eyes "your the only one that didn't come to class on time so go sit...." she scanned the room and pointed to a desk nearby the window. Rose walked toward her desk she heard laughter as she walked past the desk. She sat down on her seat covering her face with her hands. Someone poked her shoulder she looked to her right to see Harry with a sad look on his face "not you again" Rose rolled her eyes. Harry scratch his head "look i'm sorry for what happened" Rose lifted her head up "ya right! why don't you just leave me alone" Harry felt anger in his body he was pissed "look I just wanted to say i'm sorry so why dont you just shut your mouth sassy pants!" someone from the back smacked his head Harry rub the back of his head "what was that for Zayn!" she looked toward the person unknowen as Zayn right in back of Harry. Zayn frowned "you said you were going to say sorry didn'tyou dumbass!". They yelled at each other back and forth Rose smiled and started to laugh.

~After School in Rose room~

"SO! who did you have in class" Daisy asked Rose smiled "oh just Harry" Daisy put a disgusted face "oh him...." Rose laughed "hes not all that bad hes kinda of cute" Daisy smiled "so you like the bad boy huh" Rose blushed. There was a buzz in Rose backpack she took out the phone from her backpack. Daisy "is it Harry?" she asked. Rose shook her head "unknowing" she pressed the declined button her eyes widen "what?" Daisy asked. "The declines button wont decline the call!" Daisy grabbed Rose phone she tried to press the button but it wouldn't work "just press answer" Rose nodded as Daisy pressed the answer button. The phone accepted the answer button Rose put the phone to her ear.


Rose: Hello?

?: *heavy breathing* your time is up

Rose: who is this? and what do you mean by that

?: Oh baby I just want to do stuff with you!

Rose: Thats very interesting dear sir but do you even have a life stop saying nasty stuff ok!

?: Don't worry i'm coming after you Rose and I will rape you I know everything about you! just you wait your body is mine you can't run and you can't hide!

Rose: You don't know nothing about me creep!

?: I know more then you think

*hangs up*

Rose stood there frozen tears were running down her face Daisy eyes widen as she hugged her "what happened! was it Harry!" Rose shook her head Daisy looked her in the eyes "then who was it!" Rose body was shaking as she spoke the words "somebody's out to rape me and kill me!"

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