Chapter Five | Job Offers and Adjustments

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Their guard never dropped.

They'd remained vigilant both on the way to the office she now found herself in and even after they were all seated – well, nearly all of them. Thorn stood close by the door, arms folded, expression stern as a heavy silence settled in the air. Nervous, Lyra fiddled with the hem of the overly large shirt she wore. It didn't come as much of a surprise to her that her clothes had been changed, having been 'unaware' for the past week or so. It probably would've been worse on her nose had she been wearing the same outfit for days on end.

She hated imprinting – the downside of her ability when used it more than she should've – since she had to use someone to recharge. Her power was like a loan borrowed from the moon, and it was one she had to repay in full. Perhaps that was why she had been so cautious against using it right then and there to escape. She didn't want to spend another week mentally shackled to any alpha again, mate or not.

Rylan had walked by her side, close enough that she could easily reach out and grab his hand, but not touching her thankfully. He respected her personal space, and for that Lyra found herself slowly coming to tolerate his presence at her side. He was still at her side even then, sitting in the seat next to her own, whilst Blu and the other alpha took the small settee opposite them.

"Here." Rylan held out a blanket, smiling at her all the while.

Lyra folded her arms, pointedly looking away from him. "I'm not that cold."

"You're still a bit cold, and"—he looked away, cheeks reddening—"that shirt doesn't cover all that much."

"So don't look if it's so distracting," she grumbled.

Rylan pouted ever so slightly. "Could you just accept the blanket, please?" he asked, eye twitching when she ignored him.

Really, she ought to have expected the blanket to be unfurled and thrown over her legs moments after – but she was still confused and had other things to be focusing on, so she startled at the feel of the fluffy blanket covering her exposed skin.

"Just keep it," Rylan mumbled gruffly, looking determinedly ahead, and Lyra pulled the blanket around herself as she brought her knees to her chest.

"And if we're done with this drama, then perhaps you could answer some questions for us, Miss Lyra?" Blu spoke, arms folded, expression unamused as he looked between them both. "The first is a rather simple one: what exactly is your full name?"

Lyra shrugged, uncomfortable with the stares directed her way as she sat there, fiddling with her recently acquired blanket.

"You will not help yourself by refusing to answer."

Her shoulders sunk, and she let out a huff. He was right, she admitted to herself. There was no point in hiding the information which might secure her freedom – or at least lighten her punishment. "If I had one, I've long since forgotten it. Lyra is the only name I remember. They used to just call me Eighteen all the time when I worked for them..."

"They, being Omega Taurus?" Blu questioned.

Reluctantly, Lyra nodded, silently wishing she could be anywhere but there as Rylan's eyes locked on her frozen form. She could see the emotions playing across his face – really, he was an open book – showing shock, horror, concern, and a revulsion that made the marking on her neck sting a little.

It seemed the bond was already coming into play, and it wanted to bring them closer. There was no surprise that the revulsion would make it sting. She would definitely have to get some cream for it, as some women had to, especially if she somehow managed to escape imprisonment in one form or another. Though with the stare Blu was directing her way, Lyra wasn't all that hopeful. He didn't look merciful in the slightest, although perhaps that was more to do with his naturally stern face, Lyra mused.

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