Chapter 3

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'Hello, ladies,' says a woman when she opens the door. She wears a long red dress and her hair is tied back in a ponytail. She looks like she is in her mid-forties.

'Hey, Miss Campbell. Nice to see you again,' Maisey says, way too loud. I can hear in her voice that she doesn't mean it. I can hardly suppress my laugh.

'Hello Maisey,' the woman says with a smile. These people are so fake, it's disgusting. 'You must be Kayla! I'm Marie. I'm so pleased to meet you.' She holds out her hand and I shake it. 'Please come inside so you can meet my husband and son.'

We follow her inside. She leads us to a big room where the other guests are. A big door is opened and leads to the garden. Miss Campbell stops at a group of people. I can see my aunt and uncle standing with the other adults. Everyone is wearing chic clothes and expensive jewellery.

'Henri, This is Kayla, the niece of the Grants.'

Henri Campbell turns to face us. 'Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Henri, a friend of your uncle,' he says. His hair is grey and he looks a bit older than his wife. 'We've heard a lot about you.'

Really? I'm not sure if he's lying or telling the truth. I don't think my aunt and uncle have a lot to say about me, nothing good anyway.

'Hello, nice to meet you too,' I say and shake his hand.

'Have you met my son?' He asks.

'Not yet,' I tell him.

'Oh,' he says. 'Aven is in the garden with some friends. You can find him there.'

'I can take Kayla there to meet him,' Maisey suggests.

'Great Idea.' He pats my shoulder. 'It was nice to meet you, Kayla,' Henri says, again.

'Likewise,' I say and we walk towards the garden.

'What's he like?' I ask Maisey.


'Aven, the son of mister and miss Campbell?'

'Oh, you mean Aven.' There is a look of realisation on her face. I don't know who she thought I was asking about. 'Aven is a friend of mine. He likes to play football, but his parents don't approve it because they want him to take over the family business. Aven isn't a business person, so he doesn't want to. He likes sports and he has a great sense of humour.'

Aven sounds fun.

When we're almost outside, a girl stands in front of us. She blocks the way so we can't get through. Her hair is so blond, almost white, the same colour as her dress. She stares at me with her dark brown eyes. I can tell immediately that she is one of the popular kids. And I'm almost sure that she attends my new school, considering her expensive clothes and jewellery. Great.

'You must be the new Grant,' she says, not taking her eyes away from mine. It's a bit creepy.

'It's Rose, actually. I don't share my uncle's surname,' I tell her, trying to sound friendly. Her whole attitude screams popular. I don't think she will be my friend.

'Okay, Rose then. I want to make some things clear since you're the newbie,' her eyes almost spit fire at me. 'Frist of all, the school is mine, so don't try to do anything stupid. Secondly, stay away from my boyfriend. Understood?'

So she does attend my new school. Now my life is complete.

'What makes you think I would listen to you?' I regret immediately what I said.

'Because your life will be a living hell when you try to oppose me,' she says while smiling at me.

It looks so evil. I hate this girl already.

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