Chapter 2

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Can you pass the butter, please?

I give my uncle the butter and mutter something like 'Here you go.'

He thanks me and continues to eat his breakfast.

I stuff some bread in my mouth and start to chew it. I've never really liked bread, to be honest.

I woke up at half past seven this morning. I'm not sure why I woke up so early. Mostly, I sleep until noon when I have nothing better to do. This morning was different because of the unfamiliar room and noises. In my old village were a lot of birds and other animals, but the only noises you hear in this town are from cars and other stuff like that. It's unpeaceful.

I almost finished my breakfast when a male walks into the dining room. I know immediately that this is my cousin Oliver. He looks a lot like his mother. They share the same shade of blond hair and pointy nose. Even their green eyes look the same. His clothes look so expensive, I probably don't even want to know how much they cost.

'Hey darling, you're finally here! Look who arrived yesterday,' my aunt says cheerfully.

'Hey Kayla, how are you?' I can tell that he only asks it to be polite, not because he actually cares.

'I'm fine, how are you? Did you finish your project yesterday?' I ask suspiciously. 

Oliver hesitates before he answers. 'Yes, the project. We are almost done.'

Sure. I think that he made up the whole thing, so he didn't have to be here when I arrived yesterday.

I can see the guilt in his eyes when I look at him. It's so obvious that he knows that I know that his project is nonexistent, but he says nothing. What a pathetic person. Before I moved here the only person I thought I might get along with was my cousin, but apparently, I was wrong.

He joins us at the table and starts eating his breakfast. We all wait until he's finished before we leave the table. I decide to go back to my room.

I open my curtains and look out the window. My uncle and aunt live in a neighbourhood full of big, expensive mansions and villas. On most driveways stand two or more cars. Not just cars, but large SUVs and sports cars. Just then I notice a girl standing on one of the driveways on the other side of the street. She's waving and jumping to get my attention. The sight of it makes me laugh. When she notices she has my attention, she gestures. The girl wants me to come down.

At first, I don't want to go, but what do I have to lose? I nod to her and run downstairs. I only get lost one time because I took a wrong turn. I follow the exact way back and go right instead of left. Fortunately, I find the door to the front yard relatively fast.

The girl is already standing in front of our door, waiting for me. She looks really happy when I open it.

'Hello, you must be Kayla Rose.' Her long blond hair is tied back in a ponytail. She wears bright purple lipstick. I would never have dared to wear that, but she can definitely pull it off.

'Yes, I am. Who are you, if I may ask?' I say with a laugh.

'Oh sorry, I'm Maisey Stone. I live there,' she says as she points to the house opposite my aunt and uncle's. This girl is so optimistic and cheerful that it makes me happy and cheerful. It's really weird.

'Hello, Maisey, nice to meet you.' I shake her hand.

'Nice to meet you too,' she says happily. We talk a bit more and she is really nice. Maisey tells me about herself and the people that live here. We find out that we will be going to the same school. 

'Can I give you a tour through the neighbourhood?' Maisey asks, staring giddily at me with her bright blue eyes. 

'I actually need to unpack...' I would like to explore the neighbourhood, but I have so much to do.

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