Joining Dinner

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"Hey, Mom this is Jim. He's Andys brother." I stated before she started getting curious

"Ohh, Well its nice to meet you Jim. You aren't like your brother are you?" she asked Jim

"It's nice too meet you as well, I would offer you my hand but I see their full of the cutest baby. Ohh and no Im not nor do I intend to be like my brother." Jim replied retracting his hand when he saw my brother

"I'm not a baby. I'm a big boy." replied my brother

"I do apologise. I must need glass as now I can see that you are most definitely not a baby." Jim said giving my brother a high five.

"May I ask what you are doing here?" my mother asked

"I wanted to see if Jaqlin was okeii and I also wanted to invite her to dinner. I promise it's a real date and not a bet Mrs. Simth."

"What? I thought you had something to do like go back to school." I said giving him the death stare. Which was hard because I was blushing. I know like what the hell he was and still is your bully.

"Yes but of right now I have free period. I go back in at 10:00."

"Ohh well its already 9:30 and the trip from here to the school is about 20 so you should get going." I replied. I almost even pushed him towards his car so he could leave but that wasn't the case.

"That's to bad. Maybe you could join us for dinner tonight to see if your intentions with my daughter are as you say they are. Now you should go and get to class young man." my mother said walking into the house while passing Damian to me so she could check on the food.

"I would love to. So I guess I'll see you later Jaqy and whats your name big man?" Jim said while tickling my brother who by the way almost fell out of my hands. God when I see him later on I will punch him in the stomach. I really didn't want him to come to dinner. I didn't even except his invitation to go. Why me? Why me?

"My name Damien." my brother said gaining his breath from laughing to much

"Ohh okeii Damien I will see you later." Jim said waving good bye and entering his car

My life has just tooken a huge turn in less then 48 hours. Could it get any worse?

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